Page 50 of Something Cheeky

“Hope you’re ready to sing your heart out,” she said warmly. “Because I will push you until you’re tired of me.”

Several of the actors laughed. Zoe recognized some of them from the headshots that the costume shop manager had pinned next to their corresponding costume sketches on the board downstairs.

“I’m honored that so many of you took a chance to work on a brand-new musical,” Derek continued. “The first person to come onboard was Katie Mai Vu as T?m.”

He motioned for one of the leads to stand up. Zoe gasped inaudibly.

“Ho-lee shit,” TJ whispered in agreement. “I know we joke that all Asians look alike, but damn.”

Zoe and Katie Mai could’ve been sisters.

The actress playing T?m was gorgeous and big—in a good way. Zoe had known that, on paper, their measurements were similar. Zoe was excited to costume a plus-size princess. The shock was that their silhouettes were almost identical, except that Katie Mai was taller than Zoe, even without the heels.

While their facial features weren’t exactly alike, there was an odd similarity between them. Zoe hadn’t noticed this in Katie Mai’s headshot, probably because those were usually lit and airbrushed to make the actor look as perfect as possible.

Katie Mai wore a light pink jumpsuit that fit her perfectly, along with chunky heels that screamed summer. She held herself with a confidence that came from years of experience on the stage.

“Girl, I think someone has a type,” TJ pointed out under his breath.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Zoe lied. She thought back to the time she’d spent with Derek since he came into town. She’d missed the signs. His thoughtful glances and how their hugs lasted a little too long. The hungry way he’d returned her kiss last night.

How long had Derek had feelings for her?

The woman who could be Zoe’s sister walked over to Derek. She kissed him on the cheek and they hugged for longer than Zoe thought socially acceptable. Were they? No, he wouldn’t have kissed her back the way he had if he was in a relationship with Katie Mai. He always told her these things.

At least he used to.

“I can never say no to you, Derek.” Katie Mai’s laugh was melodic. She probably had a beautiful singing voice, too. Even though they’d pulled apart from their very comfortable hug, her arm lingered around his waist.

Zoe’s nostrils flared with—wait, is this what jealousy felt like? She had no claim on Derek. She hadn’t even been in his life for the past six years. But it sounded like Katie Mai had been very involved in his life.

“I’ve played a lot of roles in the past, including a mail-order bride and a prostitute. So many sex workers,” the lead actress continued. The Asian women in the group nodded in understanding.

“Never for me,” Derek replied as he held his hands out. His eyes shone as he looked at Katie Mai. “You were perfection in every show I cast you in.”

“Can you say that again so I can record it?” she teased as she waved her phone in front of him.

There were a few chuckles from the group.

“But,” she continued and smiled indulgently at him as if they always bantered this way, “I thought I was too fat to play a princess, much less a Vietnamese one. Thank you for the role of a lifetime.”

Katie Mai pulled him in for a side hug before returning to her seat. Everyone applauded. She blushed, which made her more endearing. Zoe wanted to hate her but she couldn’t. How could she find fault in a Vietnamese woman who was trying to break down barriers?

The rest of the cast introductions were a blur for Zoe as she analyzed all of her previous interactions with Derek. And she meant all of them, even the ones from freshman year. If she looked hard enough, there were signs of interest. She’d thrown water on that spark before it even had a chance to catch on fire.

Part of her wanted Derek to set her ablaze and see how big the flames could grow. The other part was terrified that she’d lose whatever connection they had as friends if things didn’t work out. Now it was too late, because he had Katie Mai.

“Hottie alert.” TJ nudged her with his elbow.

Zoe looked up to see a tall muscular man stand up.

“Hi, I’m Danny Kim, proud Korean American. I’ll be playing the Emperor.” He bowed regally.

“I’d get on my knees anytime for royalty like him,” TJ quipped. “Definitely plays on my team.”

“He’s cute,” she agreed. Zoe was grateful to think about something besides Derek and his possible relationship with Katie Mai.

“He’s delicious,” TJ replied quickly without taking his eyes off Danny.