“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” Greg smiled warmly at what he assumed was Derek’s agreement.
“You know what? We should hire an assistant for her,” Derek announced.
Why hadn’t he thought of this sooner? He and Th?o still had scenes to polish, so he couldn’t be with Zoe every day. An assistant would be the next best thing.
“That’s a good idea.” Greg sat back up. His entire tone had changed from solemn to excited. “We should hire someone who has more costuming experience to work with Zoe. Someone who can keep an eye on her for us.”
“Greg, you misunderstood.”
“I think I know just the right person for the job,” his mentor continued as he riffled through his desk.
“Greg.” Derek stared down the man until he stopped.
“Yes?” For once Greg waited for Derek to speak instead of talking over him.
“We’ll provide the budget, because it’s a costume-heavy show, and she’ll need more support. Zoe will choose her own assistant,” Derek said in a way that left no room for discussion.
“I see.” Greg set down the notebook he’d pulled out of his desk drawer. He pressed his lips together and looked Derek up and down before nodding approvingly. “Someone’s learning how to lead properly. Good for you.”
Derek said nothing. Greg had to work things out on his own, but both of them knew he’d agree to hire someone for Zoe.
“All right then. If this show fails, you’ll have a tough time landing prominent gigs.”
“You don’t have to keep reminding me.” As if the pressure didn’t keep him up at night. “That’s why I’m doing everything in my power to make sureT?m Cámsucceeds.”
Greg nodded and waved him away. The meeting was over. Derek’s shoulders slumped in relief once he shut the door to Greg’s office. He was exhausted and the morning was barely half over.
Derek had to keep pushing to stay true to their vision, but it felt like an uphill battle. If Greg challenged him on every decision, what would it be like when the producers and Prestige’s board members came to their first rehearsal next week?
He tried to push his insecurities aside as he walked down the hallway. Th?o was expecting him after lunch. She had a different take on the opening number that she wanted to show him. Maybe it was the breakthrough they needed.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Zoe stood up as he rounded the corner.
She’d waited for him. He closed the distance between them with a bounce in his step.
“Of course.” He smiled reassuringly, even though his talk with Greg had left him frazzled. “Why would you think otherwise?”
“You had a worried look on your face.”
“Oh, I was thinking about the opening number.”
It technically wasn’t a lie, but Zoe didn’t need to know what Greg had said about her. She was already nervous about her work. He didn’t need to mention Greg’s so-called issues with her. Derek would do whatever it took to protect Zoe from Greg.
“Still having problems with it? You and Th?o will figure it out,” she said confidently as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders.
“Thanks.” He leaned into her as her hand slid down and rubbed soothing circles on his back. Derek was surprised by how affectionate Zoe had become, but he didn’t mind at all.
His earlier anxiety began to fade. Zoe always had high standards and wasn’t one to falsely cheer someone on. When she said things like that, she truly believed in his ability.
“Thanks for sticking up for me in there,” Zoe added quietly. “Greg is—”
She stopped herself as if worried she’d offend him. She also stopped mid-circle on his back. Derek’s anxiety tiptoed back in at the mention of his mentor.
He looked down the hallway in both directions to ensure they were alone before pulling her closer.
“Greg is a lot,” he whispered. “But he’s our best bet at gettingT?m Cámout into the world.”
“I know,” she whispered back, her breath warm against his neck.