Page 72 of Something Cheeky

His eyes glinted mischievously in the shadowy hallway. He smiled before paying homage to her neck, teasing her with light bites and kisses. Zoe leaned to the side and arched into his body as she wrapped her leg around his and pulled him even closer to her. She gasped as his stiff cock pressed against her belly.

“That’s not what I meant,” she explained in between the aftershocks that his lips and teeth created in her body.

“Tell me.”

“My lips, you jerk.” She laughed as she lightly hit his arm.

Derek grinned with no hint of guilt on his face about teasing her.

“I fucking love your lips,” he growled, running his thumb over her bottom lip. “It took all my willpower not to throw you across that table and flip up your skirt.”

“The cutting table is too high for you to lift up a woman of my size—”

“I’ve been working out. Maybe we should test it after-hours when no one’s around.”

Zoe laughed. No one she’d ever dated had attempted to pick her up, but even the thought of Derek’s strong arms lifting her up forthat, well, her entire body blazed.

“Where was I? Oh yes, your soft lips,” said Derek.

“Derek, please, kiss me—now.”

“I’ll never get tired of hearing you beg.”

Finaly his mouth covered hers as he kissed her so deeply that she wanted—no, needed—him even closer. For their bodies to join so they could be connected physically as well as emotionally.

Zoe fisted his shirt but fought the urge to rip his clothes off. With her leg still hooked around his thigh, she wrapped her other arm around his neck and reveled in the feel of his mouth on hers.

“I’m sorry I’ve been working so much,” he apologized hastily in between their gasps for air.

“Your work is going to change the world.” She accepted his apology by closing the almost imperceptible gap they needed to speak. She kissed him hard and so deeply that she couldn’t remember where his lips ended and hers began.

Zoe needed Derek in her life. Not just because he made her body shudder with pleasure, but because she loved the way he made her laugh. His ambition and the way he saw the best in her always.

She loved him as a friend. A lover. Maybe even as a life partner.

She loved Derek.

Zoe shuddered as the realization struck her. Interpreting her reaction as arousal, he grunted and cupped her ass to pull her impossibly closer to his body.

“Let’s move this to the dressing room,” he suggested.

“Yes, perhaps you should get a room.” A stern male voice broke through their reverie.

Zoe’s eyes flew open.


Chapter 32

“Fuck,” Derek cursed under his breath.

Of all the people to walk in on them, it had to be Greg. The silver lining was that neither of them had ripped each other’s clothes off, which would’ve been even more embarrassing. Though he might have if they had stayed in the hallway.

His heart pounded as he gently extricated himself from Zoe. She quickly straightened her clothes and Derek was glad he’d worn his shirt untucked today. He’d already looked disheveled before this. Hopefully his shirt and the flickering fluorescent lights hid the bulge in his jeans.

“Good afternoon, Greg,” he acknowledged the man with as much calm as he could to down play their in flagrante situation. “Did you need something from me?”

“So this is why you’ve been so hard to find in the afternoon.” Greg ignored his question.