Page 41 of Something Cheeky

The cat meowed in agreement as Derek spooned half of the tuna onto the dry food and mixed them together. It didn’t take long for Mr. Bobbins to chow down his fancy tuna. Maybe the cat was just hungry and didn’t hate him. Or they’d come to an understanding.

As the cat licked his plate clean, Derek dug around the kitchen for plates and silverware for the two humans. He might as well make takeout feel like a real dinner. He’d eaten too many meals out of boxes and bags the last couple of weeks. Unlike the one Prestige Rep had given him, Zoe’s apartment was homey and cozy. He set the table and found a bottle of white wine in the fridge.

They deserved a little celebration tonight. They’d worked long hours in preparation for the cast’s arrival. Tomorrow the next stage ofT?m Cámwould begin, with even more work and long hours.

And maybe tonight, once they were relaxed, he’d tell her that he wanted them to be more than friends.

Derek almost dropped a wineglass when Zoe stepped out of her room. She was glistening. Droplets of water had escaped her hair and were making the most glorious journey down her chest. She wore an oversize light green T-shirt with an extra wide neck so the creamy skin of her shoulder was exposed—with no visible brastrap. He was pretty sure if she turned around, he’d get a gorgeous view of her ass in those leggings.

“You clean up nice,” he tried to say in a way that didn’t sound like he’d been checking her out.

“I always do. And it feels so good to put on clean clothes.” She looked around the room for Mr. Bobbins, who was curled up in his Danish cookie tin bed. “Did he eat?”

“Oh yeah, he loved the tuna.” The bowl had been licked clean. “Our food hasn’t arrived yet. How about a glass of wine?”

“Sounds perfect. Might as well get comfy while we wait,” she suggested as she waved at her couch.

He poured them each a glass before sitting down. She sat in her love seat next to the couch and tucked her feet under her. Zoe looked as content as Mr. Bobbins did in his bed.

“A toast?” She raised her glass.

“To us,” he said as he lifted his.

“To me and you. We make a great team.” Zoe’s eyes were bright. Her wide smile made her rounded cheeks even more prominent.

The clinking of their glasses was as melodic as the Emperor’s duet with T?m when he finally declared his true love for her.

Zoe was absolutely radiant. He’d never seen her this happy. So content. He couldn’t help but feel proud that he’d contributed to her joy by inviting her to design the costumes forT?m Câm.

Derek’s heart pounded. This was it. This was the right opportunity he’d been waiting for. He gulped his entire glass of wine.

“Whoa, Derek. Don’t forget we have to get up early tomorrow for the meet and greet.” She laughed but grabbed the bottle of wine to refill both of their drinks.

“Zoe, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” Derek’s throat suddenly dried up. He swallowed. “I’ve felt a deep connection with you from the first time we met. And it wasn’t just because we’re both Vietnamese.”

He laughed nervously.

She turned her body to face him. Her expression was open and kind, like she always was when he had something important to tell her.

“I think—I want—” He sighed and rubbed his jaw. An actor wasn’t supposed to trip over his words. But this wasn’t rehearsed nor were they someone else’s words for him to recite. He had to trust himself.

“It’s okay, take your time.” She patted his hand gently.

He nodded and took a deep breath. Reset and start over.

“Zoe, I feel that there’s—”

Derek was interrupted by the worst sound he’d ever heard.

“Oh my God, Mr. Bobbins.” Zoe set her glass down and jumped out of her love seat. Her head spun as she tried to find her cat. “He’s throwing up somewhere.”

That’s what the horrendous noise was? He’d never heard that from a cat, but vomiting was never a good thing.

“He’s by the door,” Derek exclaimed.

The cat was dry heaving next to Derek’s shoes. A few seconds later, Mr. Bobbins’s dinner landed inside his Chucks.

Fucking Mr. Bobbins and his awful timing. Derek was convinced the cat was determined to keep Zoe all to himself.