“Probably sleeping in my room. But he’ll come out when he hears you prepping his food.”
“Did you say prep his food? Like a sous chef?” Derek mimed chopping food. “How spoiled is Mr. Bobbins?”
“Hush. He’s a pretty boy who deserves lots of love and delicious food. I’m feeding you, aren’t I?”
Derek opened his mouth but no witty response came to him. Were they still talking about her cat? He was reading way too much into her words. Zoe must’ve sensed his awkwardness because her cheeks were pink.
“He’s also old and has no teeth so he needs special food,” she finally said solemnly.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Ha! You should see the look on your face! Mr. Bobbins is in his prime and completely spoiled.” Zoe laughed.
“That was not cool.” Derek frowned, then stuck his bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout the way he used to in college after she teased him.
Unfazed by his fake sad expression, she lightly punched his arm.
“He needs a little spoiling. I’ve been gone a lot, so he’s been lonely.”
He hadn’t met Mr. Bobbins yet, but her worried expression told him that she adored her cat.
“So he gets to eat his feelings.” Derek nodded. “I can relate.”
“Mix a scoop of his kibble with half a can of tuna, please? He’s got a mat over there.” She pointed to his food prep station at her kitchen counter. “I’ll get him.”
Zoe walked briskly into her bedroom. She came out with a large, very fluffy cat in her arms. Her face lit up as she cooed and petted the animal. Why was Derek suddenly envious of a ball of fur?
“Meet Mr. Bobbins,” she said when she finally turned her attention back to Derek.
“Hello, Mr. Bobbins.”
“And this is Derek. He’s going to feed you while I shower,” she spoke in a soft, sweet tone.
He had nothing to be afraid of. Mr. Bobbins seemed harmless with Zoe’s arms wrapped around him.
“Go freshen up and I’ll take care of the kitty.” Derek shooed her away.
Zoe released the cat and went into her bedroom, leaving the two of them alone. Maybe the other cat was an outlier and Derek would make quick friends with Zoe’s pet.
The cat sauntered up to Derek’s socked feet, sniffed, and hissed. Derek jumped back. He wanted Mr. Bobbins to be the exception to his bad luck with felines.
“Look, you and me, we have to be friends because I hope to be here a lot.”
Derek found the container of cat food on the counter. The tabby glared at him as he scooped some kibble into a purple ceramic bowl. It looked hand-painted, like the kind you find at those paint your own pottery places.
“I think we can agree”—Derek paused to make sure the shower was still running—“that Zoe is a wonderful woman and maybe we can both share her?”
Mr. Bobbins’s eyes narrowed and his fluffy orange tail flicked rapidly.
“Or maybe not.” He grabbed a can of tuna with olive oil from the cabinet above the cat’s food station. “Wow, you have fancy taste. Is this from Italy?”
The cat’s tail stilled as he spotted the tuna.
“Ah, this is the way to your heart, isn’t it?” Derek popped the tab on the tuna.
Mr. Bobbins ran over and rubbed himself on Derek’s leg.
“See, we do have something in common. I can also be bribed with Italian food.”