“Would you like to see the fabrics I’ve chosen for the Emperor?” Zoe quickly changed the subject.
“Yes, I would.” Derek nodded encouragingly. “But I already know I’ll love it.”
She pulled up the sketches on her tablet and grabbed the metal ring that held the swatches for the Emperor’s robes. Derek’s close presence projected the calm she needed to prepare for the designer presentations coming up.
Just friends. And they supported each other the way friends did.
Zoe couldn’t wait to tell TJ how wrong he’d been—about both of them. She and Derek were best friends and nothing else. Besides, anything more than that would create a complicated work situation for the two of them.
Chapter 18
Derek took Zoe’s keys from her hand and unlocked her apartment. Her shoulders held tote bags full of foam board, photocopies, and pieces of fabric. To the untrained eye, it looked like a kid’s art project.
“Are you ready for the meet and greet tomorrow?” Zoe asked as he swung the door open for her. She dropped the heavy tote bags on the floor right inside and kicked off her flats.
“I’ve barely had time to think about it. Th?o and I have been working fifteen-hour days to make sure the music is ready for our first read—sing—through?” Derek had her other bag slung over his shoulder along with his backpack. He shut the door behind him and lined his Chucks next to her other shoes on the mat.
“I’m a little nervous to meet the cast and present my costumes to everyone,” Zoe said. Her shoulders were tight and high with anxiety. “And public speaking isn’t really my thing. It’s yours.”
“They’re going to love your designs!” He waved at bags stuffed with her presentation materials. “I’m glad you hired TJ to be your assistant.”
“Me, too. He’s got a great eye for mixing patterns. You should see his drag costumes.”
“He makes a mean boba and does drag? A man of many talents. I’m glad Greg found room in the budget for him.” When he suggested the idea to Zoe, she’d immediately thought of TJ. Derekgave himself a mental pat on the back for winning that battle with his mentor.
“Honestly, I think he took the job because—and I quote—‘theater is full of hot gay men.’”
They chuckled.
“He took Th?o out to Dupont Circle to blow off steam. Maybe he’ll find more than steam,” Derek added.
“How dare you suggest our friends need to get laid,” she joked.
“Th?o’s been bitching about how boring DC nightlife is compared to New York. Maybe the two of them can have a little fun before we dive into rehearsals.”
The closer they got to the first rehearsal, the more wound up Th?o had gotten. There was one song that wasn’t working the way she wanted. Derek wanted to wait until the actors had a chance to make it their own, but Th?o wanted to plug away at it. Derek won in the end, because they ran out of time and energy.
Zoe murmured in agreement. From the few times Derek had stopped into the costume shop, he thought Zoe and TJ made a great team. TJ’s big personality wasn’t for everyone, but his humor kept her grounded as she finalized her designs. According to Zoe, TJ also knew the best places in the DMV to shop for fabric on a budget.
“Thanks for coming over so I can practice. I want everything to be perfect.”
“I’m easily bribed with food.” What he wanted to say was that he’d drop everything whenever she needed him.
“Our food is on its way, but I need to take a shower. I’m so gross after driving all over the DMV with TJ to swatch fabric. Today’s heat was brutal.”
“Go. I’ll set the table and wait for the food.” Maybe that would keep his mind from imagining her in the shower.
“Can you feed Mr. Bobbins, too?” Zoe asked.
“Mr. Who?” Derek looked around the apartment but foundonly an empty pet bed that looked like a giant blue Danish cookie tin, similar to the kind his mom kept her sewing supplies in.
“My cat. He’s an orange tabby and has a super fluffy tail.”
“I will, but for some reason cats don’t like me.” Derek bit his bottom lip. “Let’s just say the last and only time I cat sat for a friend, the cat won.”
“You’re saying you’re scared of a cute little kitty?”
“No,” Derek replied a little too quickly. He straightened his shoulders to prove it. “Where is he?”