“You and Mom were brave to come here with hardly anything.”
“You are brave, too.”
Trixie nodded, blinking rapidly to keep the tears at bay.
“You need to make your own life, not do what is expected. But this road is hard. I wanted you to do something else that had more security.”
“I’m doing okay, Ba. It’s not engineering or lawyer income, but I’m making enough to take care of myself.”
“I know. Your mom told me.”
So he was keeping up with her through her weekly calls with Má. Deep down Trixie knew that he wouldn’t give up on her.
“I love you,” Trixie whispered.
“Humph” was his only reply, but she could see the love in his eyes.
Those three words,I love you,were not words her parents ever said to her. As a kid she got upset when her dad never said it back.As an adult, she realized how hard it was for her parents to express their love in that way.
“I’m glad you’re home. I missed you.” Ba squeezed her hand again.
With that simple declaration, the tears she’d been holding back slipped out. Everything would be right between them. She and her dad still had a lot to figure out, but they’d gotten over the biggest hurdle.
There was a commotion outside her dad’s room. Suddenly the door flew open.
“Andre, what are you doing in New Orleans?”
“Sir, you cannot be in here.” A Black nurse wearing scrubs with cats stepped behind him. “Only family can visit CCU patients.”
“Trixie. Mr. and Mrs. Nguyen.” He nodded at her parents. “I’m sorry to—”
“Sir, if you do not leave, I will call security.” The nurse was fuming. “You’re disturbingheartpatients.”
“I’ll wait for you outside. Please give me a few minutes to talk to you,” he pleaded as the nurse dragged him out.
“Was that your old boyfriend?” Her mom was bewildered. “Are you back together?”
“Yes. No. I mean, we were, but—it’s complicated.” Trixie held on to her father’s hand. She didn’t want to talk to Andre. Her parents needed her.
“Your dad needs to rest,” her mom said after a few moments.
“Of course.” Trixie bit her lip.
“I’m hungry. Can you buy me something from the cafeteria?”
“Okay, Má.” Trixie nodded and hid a smile as she accepted the excuse her mom offered her. She’d give Andre five minutes to talk and send him back to DC.
Chapter 36
Andre ran across the waiting room, ignoring thessshfrom the other people seated there.
“Keep your voice down,” she whispered. “Please don’t make a scene.”
He looked out and found many faces glaring at him.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. They seemed to accept his apology and returned to their magazines and phones.