“Are you sure Xavier can drag Andre away from the restaurant?” she asked.
“Xavier is very creative,” replied Keisha. “He got me out of a lot of trouble when we were kids. Of course, he was the one that got us into trouble in the first place!”
“Next Tuesday then. You’ll get the word out?”
“It won’t be hard. News travels fast around here.”
“Great, I’ll start planning.” She’d take this opportunity to test out a new workshop idea for her co-op space. Trixie’s mind raced as she created a mental list of her top products for postmenopausal women. She couldn’t wait to tell the Boss Babes.
TUESDAY MORNING, SHEopened the Boss Babe’s group chat on her phone. Over the past few days, Trixie had stewed over her conversation with Keisha. She was angry at Andre for keeping his sister in the dark about their new landlord. Keisha had a right to know, but Trixie wasn’t sure if it was her place.
Her fingers flew across the on-screen keyboard as she explained her dilemma. In no time at all, her phone started blowing up with her friends’ responses.
Reina:Tell Keisha. She deserves to know.
Trixie:Ugh, he told me not to tell her. He’s so hardheaded!
Reina:Isn’t that why you’re sleeping with him?
Zoe:He put you in a bad spot. Not cool.
Trixie tapped her fingers on the arm of her couch. She and Keisha were friends. Trixie owed it to her. She’d given Andre plenty of time to tell his sister. But she didn’t want to put herself in the middle of their family problems. She and Andre were already at odds about the co-op. Telling Keisha would only pile on to their fight.
Reina:Let’s invite her to girls’ night. Then I’ll drop the info casual-like.
Josie:Don’t ambush that poor woman.
Trixie:No time for girls’ night. Am seeing Keisha at class tonight.
Reina:Fine. Make Andre tell her.
Trixie:He’s not returning my texts. Plus he doesn’t know about tonight.
Zoe:Kick butt tonight! Make sure they all buy vibrators.
Trixie grinned. She was looking forward to the pop-up. After talking to the doctor at the clinic about menopausal and postmenopausal women’s bodies, she’d prepared goody bags filledwith samples of lube designed for postmenopausal women, enhancing creams, and edible lotions.
Trixie:Keep your fingers crossed Andre stays away from the restaurant.
Reina:Tell him a bunch of old ladies are talking about vibrators. He’ll run!
Trixie:Keisha says he’ll flip out.
Zoe:Xavier will keep him away. Don’t worry.
Trixie:He will because he’s scared of Keisha. LOL.
Josie:Whatever happens, we’re here for you.
Trixie:I have to get ready. Thanks, Babes!
She set her phone down and picked up her cold tea. Trixie had no idea what she should do, but right now she needed to focus on the pop-up.
Chapter 31