“Sure. You also have a giant plastic bin of vibrators you could have fun with,” Zoe scoffed.
“They’re not the same and you know it.”
Zoe raised her eyebrows.
“We’re two consenting adults. We can keep our emotions apart from the physical stuff.”
“That means you’re still not talking to him about the co-op? You have to give Kait an answer in a week.”
“I know time is running out,” Trixie whispered. “But talking about it would involve emotions, wouldn’t it? And no. It’s better that way.”
Trixie was trying to convince herself as much as Zoe. Since they stopped talking about her co-op and losing his building, sex had been fantastic. Because they didn’t fight about it. You can’t have fights about topics you didn’t discuss. In fact, she looked forward to going back to his house tonight.
“I only remember the state you were in when you moved intoour apartment. I don’t want you to get hurt again.” Zoe handed Trixie the last of the papers and pens. “You can’t hide your emotions forever. I see how you look at each other.”
“Thank you for being such a good friend. I have it under control. It’s only sex. Nothing more. He knows it, and I know it.”
“I’m not an expert, but he’s got it bad for you. Even if you can keep your feelings separate from the sex, he might not be able to.”
Trixie could see the worry on her face.
“Don’t lead him on if that’s the case.”
“I’ll try not to,” whispered Trixie.
“And tonight is totally a story for our next Boss Babes lunch!” Zoe clapped her hands and giggled.
“Don’t tell Reina and Josie about my accidental confession,” Trixie pleaded. “It’s so embarrassing. I’m supposed to be a professional.”
“You know I have to tell them.” Zoe laughed, then hugged Trixie. “All we want is for you to be happy. Now let’s finish putting away all your things.”
The two quickly broke down her demo table. Zoe had gone to shows with Trixie in her early days, when Trixie needed emotional support, and knew exactly what to do and where everything went.
“How about I pick up some wine on the way home? We can watchCrazy Rich Asiansagain and pause on all the sexy man chests.” Zoe placed the back of her hand on her forehead in an exaggerated swoon.
“So that’s why that movie is so popular,” Andre spoke from behind them.
“Andre!” How much of her conversation with Zoe had he heard? Trixie looked past him and glanced around the room.
“Keisha left. She has to study for her midterms.”
“Already? I wanted to chat with her about what happened,” said Trixie. “Is she okay with me and you—us?”
“She was thrilled. Keisha has been trying to play matchmaker since you walked into this restaurant.”
“Thank goodness,” she said with relief, then punched Andre in the arm.
“What was that for?” He rubbed his arm. “That really hurt.”
“That’s for not telling Keisha about us as we said you should.”
“Trixie, relax. We talked about it, and she’s very happy for us. Don’t be surprised if she starts hinting about a ring.”
“You told her we weren’t serious, right?”
“I tried, but once she gets an idea in her head, I can’t stop her.”
“You two have already met, but let’s make it official. This is my roommate and one of the Boss Babes, Zoe Tran.” Trixie quickly introduced them.