She wanted him to be right, but she couldn’t wait for her parents to come around. Even in his weird mood, Andre was so easy to talk to. The Boss Babes were also convinced that Trixie’s parents would accept her career. But hearing Andre say it made reconciliation seem tangible. He’d met her parents. He knew what they were like.
“I’m glad you’re here. The DMV agrees with you.” Andre smiled at her and bumped her shoulder with his. “You’re doing so much to help people. Teaching and volunteering at the clinic. Helping women all over the metro area find their happy endings.”
He remembered the name she’d picked out for her boutique! Trixie resisted the urge to hug him. She squeezed his hand again instead and glanced at the walking directions on her phone. They passed in comfortable silence through the next block, though people waved and greeted Andre by name, volunteering to help with the weekly family dinners. He’d done so much for his neighbors and they all wanted to pitch in.
Everyone here adored him. This was where he’d grown up, but she understood why he’d had to leave. She knew how stifling it was trying to find herself when everyone around her had different expectations for her.
Late September was usually hot and humid, but today’s weather was a fluke. It was still warm, but not enough to make you break into a sweat as soon as you stepped outdoors. Maybe this meant fall would arrive in DC on time this year.
When they were a couple of blocks away, her stomach twisted. Maybe she wasn’t ready for this. It was a horrible idea. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard.
“Trixie, are you okay?” He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb.
“No, I’m not okay. Maybe this is a mistake.” She slowed her pace and he matched it. “Josie had this crazy idea to introduce me to her real estate broker friend, Kait Garcia, who runs a co-op boutique on the side and has an open space I could rent. Josie is super bossy and said I needed to see it so my brain could believe my dream could come true.”
“Sounds like something my mom would say. Except less eloquent. Fake it till you make it.”
Trixie laughed. Her nervousness began to fade.
“That’s who we’re meeting. In approximately one block.”
“Why do you need me? You’ve got this.”
“I’ve only done sales presentations in people’s homes and pop-up shops at your restaurant. I don’t know anything about running a brick-and-mortar shop, but you do.”
“You want my opinion on the place?” His face brightened.
“Exactly. Walk through with me and give me your honest opinion about it.”
“Running a restaurant isn’t anything like an adult boutique, but I’ll do my best.”
“Great! Let’s go. We’re two minutes late.” She hated being late for anything.
Trixie resumed their earlier pace, and Andre kept up easily since his stride was longer than hers. They reached the end of the block and turned the corner to District Market. She looked at the map on her phone.
“It’s the next building. Suite C.” She looked closely at the shiny new numbers and stopped in front of a glass door. “Here it is!”
The shop was closed, but a handwritten note told Trixie to come in, so she pushed the door open. Andre followed her.
“Wow, look at this place!” Trixie turned in a slow circle to take in the large room.
The store had soft, warm lighting and modern hardwood floors. In one corner was a display of handmade soaps, tubs of bath salts with scoopers, and a shelf of body products. The scent of lavender permeated the air. Next to that was a stationery store that had spinning racks of greeting cards, stacks of letter-pressed notebooks, and an array of pens.
Toward the back was an empty section the size of her kitchen. Big enough for a starter shop, though Trixie wasn’t sure how her products would fit in with the other vendors. Their products seemed so normal compared to vibrators. Then again, everything probably looked strange next to a Jack of All Trades.
A tall Filipino woman walked out of a back room. She had a short haircut and wore a stylish dark gray pantsuit accentuated by a dark orange scarf. No wonder Josie had blushed at the mention of her name. The real estate broker oozed elegance and beauty.
“You must be Trixie! I’m Kait Garcia.” She smiled as she shook Trixie’s hand. “And you brought a friend.”
“This is Andre.” Trixie turned to him. Was it her imagination or was he scowling just now?
“Nice to meet you, Andre.” Kait stretched her hand out.
“Likewise.” He shook Kait’s hand quickly. Then stuffed his hands in his pockets. Serious Andre had returned.
Trixie didn’t know why she’d expected him to use his bartender charm here. He usually turned it on for new people. The real estate broker didn’t seem fazed by Andre’s curtness. She focused on Trixie, making sure to ask about Josie. It was obvious Kait andJosie had a connection. Trixie didn’t know what was going on between them, but she couldn’t wait to tease Josie about it.
“I’m not sure this is a good fit,” Trixie said. “Josie told you what I want to sell, right?”