Of all the Babes, she expected disapproval from Reina, but Zoe and Josie, too?
“I hope you’re not going to sleep with him again.” Reina crossed her arms.
“Didn’t you say I needed some work-life balance?”
For once Reina was speechless.
“We agreed that it’s sex only—no strings attached.” Trixie added as much conviction as she could. “Besides, now I have a research partner for my products!”
“If that’s what you really want.” Josie wasn’t convinced. “But be careful. He’s already hurt you once.”
“Maybe we should stop by your next pop-up and meet Andre,” Zoe said pointedly to Josie and Reina. They reluctantly nodded.
“Now that you’re done discussing my sex life, tell me how your businesses are doing this week.” Trixie was ready to talk about something besides Andre.
“Wait, I have one more thing to add,” said Josie. “Let’s go one step further to make your dream shop into a reality. I read about this in a self-help book.”
“Oh no, here she goes,” Reina groaned. “What woo-woo stuff are you reading now?”
“As I was saying”—Josie nudged Reina, who rolled her eyes—“You trick your brain into thinking that a dream is reality. Like a vision board. You put up pictures of what you really want. Yourbrain is so used to seeing your goals, it wants to make them a reality.”
“How do I do that?” Trixie asked. “Like visit a sex toy boutique?”
“Almost. One of my photography clients has an opening in her co-op boutique. I told her you might be interested.” Josie leaned back and crossed her arms, very pleased with herself.
“But I don’t have enough money saved for a deposit. I’ll need a loan and collateral. A store name—” Trixie’s brain spun. “I need to make a list and plan it all out.”
“Trixie, breathe.” Josie tugged her arm. “I’m not saying you have to commit. Just look.”
“I don’t want to waste your client’s time if I can’t commit.”
“I’ll put you in contact with my broker, Kait Garcia, who helped me find my photography studio. Kait owns the co-op boutique. She invested early in District Market and got a great deal. The boutique is designed to be a stepping-stone for new women entrepreneurs. Get your start in a small space until you’ve saved up for one of your own.”
Josie’s photography studio was amazing. Big windows with plenty of natural light for her boudoir sessions. A great location out in Southwest by the Wharf, before real estate prices skyrocketed because of the new development. Gentrified, like Andre’s neighborhood.
“I don’t know.” Even though opening a boutique was her ultimate goal, Trixie thought she had a few more years before it was even a real possibility.
“Look, it won’t hurt to look. I’ll tell Kait you’re checking out your options.”
“She’d do that? I won’t be wasting her time?”
“Nope. This co-op is her passion project. She knows that some women don’t have the funding to start a big business. Kait started with nothing, and this is her way to give back to the community. She’s very dedicated to her work. In fact, she took me to over twenty locations before I fell in love with my studio.”
“Are you sure she wasn’t trying to get into your pants?” Reina tilted her head as she studied Josie’s face. “Taking a sexy woman like you to twenty empty studios. Just you and her alone?”
“She’s very professional.” Josie blushed.
“Oh my God!” Reina practically bounced in her seat. “You like her. Your real estate broker!”
“We’re supposed to be helping Trixie right now,” Josie replied, shifting uncomfortably under their stares. “Besides, I’m seeing Taye.”
“What if you had coffee with her, Trixie? Feel her out first?” Zoe suggested, letting Josie off the hook. Always the mediator.
“I guess it won’t hurt,” Trixie conceded.
“Great! I’ll intro you two via email.” Josie’s eyes crinkled as she smiled. “You’re gonna love Kait.”
Trixie’s heart raced at the thought of looking at storefronts. A co-op meant that her start-up costs would be manageable. Her prize money might cover the bulk of the lease and some inventory. Her first-place position meant she was one step closer to achieving her dream.