Page 87 of Happy Endings

The mom stuck at home with kids who drive her crazy

But she loves them.

Am I right?

Xavier looked out at the crowd.

You know she loves them hellions. Moms need breaks, too.

Or the dude who’s new in town,

And I’m the one they wave at every week.

Their only friend until they’re

Brave enough to go out alone.

The next time you see your delivery guy,

Think of me,

Your boy, Xavier,

The one who keeps dog treats in my pocket

for Pumpkin.

I deliver more than packages for a living.

Xavier bowed as the small crowd in the coffee shop cheered for him.

“WOOOO!”ANDRE SHOUTED.Xavier had killed it.

“Holy fuck, that was nerve-racking,” said Xavier when he returned to their table. Sweat glistened on his forehead. He grabbed his beer and chugged the rest of the glass. “I want to do it again.”

Andre laughed. It felt good to laugh and not think about his troubles for a while. He was glad Xavier dragged him out.

“What? It was thrilling. You should try it sometime.”

“No,” Andre refused. “I’m not a poet and I don’t like public speaking.”

“I beg to differ.” Xavier tapped the table. “You get in front of strangers and demonstrate warming massage oil. If you can do that, you can take open-mic night.”

Andre’s face fell. He doubted that would be happening anytime soon. Trixie was probably planning demos in her fancy new co-op by now. He hid behind his drink.

“You all right, bro? You’ve been moody lately.” Xavier elbowed Andre. “When was the last time you and Ms. Trixie hooked up?”

“None of your business.”

“Oh, that long, huh?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Andre picked up the tiny menu card on their table. “I’m ordering nachos. You want some?”

“You’re not getting away that easy.” Xavier caught the waiter’s attention and ordered loaded nachos. “Another round?”

Xavier didn’t wait for Andre to answer and ordered another pint for both of them.

“We had a fight.” Andre sighed.