“No, he didn’t.” Keisha gasped. “That makes so much sense now! That’s why you two get along so well. You already knew each other.”
“I guess you can say that,” Trixie sputtered. Why did he keep so many things from his sister? Trixie debated telling Keisha the truth about their past.
“Maybe you’ll be my sister-in-law someday,” Keisha said hopefully.
“What? Andre and I—we’re just casual.” Trixie wasn’t ready to tell Keisha that she hadn’t talked to Andre since Monday night.
“Could have fooled me!” Keisha laughed. “I hear you doing the walk of shame in the mornings.”
“Sorry for waking you.” Trixie’s cheeks burned.
“It’s not just that. Andre hasn’t dated anyone since he came back. Not even a fling. The fact that he’s bringing you to the house means he’s really into you. You make him happy.”
“Oh.” Trixie began folding the letters, carefully lining up the edges to create a trifold. She didn’t know how to respond.
Andre might have been into her but not anymore. She’d given him space like he asked. The last three days of radio silence felt too much like he was ghosting her again. Trixie refused to feel that lost and helpless ever again.
“Look at me rambling on. I’ll be late for study group.” Keisha checked the time on her phone. “I’ll be so glad when this semester is over, and I can work in the restaurant full time.”
“Wait, you’re quitting school? Aren’t you halfway done?”
“Halfway done for a major I hate.” Keisha sighed. “I thought a business major would give me a leg up on running Mama Hazel’s, but so far it’s just boring theory and lame accounting spreadsheets.”
“Based on Andre’s complaints, there’re a lot of spreadsheets.” Trixie nodded. “Running a business requires a lot of planning and work. I’m glad I have the Boss Babes to help me.”
“I’d rather have real-life experience than textbooks written by folks who sit at a computer all day.”
“Have you thought about changing majors?”
“Sort of. I’ve considered changing to hospitality management.” Keisha pursed her lips and paused. “I have some big ideas to revitalize Mama Hazel’s, but I’m worried Andre won’t give them a chance. We have to make some drastic changes if the restaurant is going to survive. He thinks I don’t know how bad things are, but I took accounting. I know how to read our books.”
He’d promised Trixie that he would tell Keisha about the building being sold. It was obvious that Keisha knew nothing about it. There might not be a restaurant for her to manage soon. Once she quit school, it would be harder to go back. Trixie knew that firsthand. She silently cursed Andre for keeping so many secrets from his sister.
“Anyway, that’s not why I wanted to talk to you,” Keisha continued, oblivious to Trixie’s discomfort talking about Andre. “The older ladies had a blast chatting with you at dinner. They wanted all the dirt on you. They could tell you and Andre are dating. He kept making heart eyes at you all night.”
Trixie’s heart softened. He had tossed her many sexy glances that evening. But she remembered how angry and uncompromising he’d been afterward, when she told him about leasing the co-op.
“They’d heard rumors about your pop-ups. After I explained what they were and your classes at the clinic—they want in on the fun.” Keisha leaned in. “They want you to do a private pop-up for them.”
“Really?” Trixie’s mouth hung open.
“Andre is gonna kill me if he finds out. Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Kim, all of them helped raise us. They’re like family. Which is why he does not want to think about our elders having sex.” Keisha covered her face with her hands. “I’m not sure I do either, but they are sexual beings, too.”
Trixie’s heart beat faster. This was exactly why she loved her job. No one had taught her about sex. She learned it all from magazines and romance books. Most of the older women who attended her classes at the clinic never talked about sex with anyone. Not even their husbands.
“I’ll do it!” She may not have a boutique of her own in which to hold classes, but the least she could do was continue teaching. Especially to eager students.
“Hurray!” Keisha clapped her hands. She pulled out her phone. “Let’s pick a date. I’ll make Xavier take Andre out for the night, so he’ll be too busy to know what’s going on.”
Trixie consulted her calendar app and compared it to Keisha’s.
“Since we’re now closed on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, let’s do one of those. It needs to be early in the evening. Mrs. Harris will give me an earful if we keep her up past her bedtime.”
“How about next Tuesday? Is four days enough time to set everything up?”
“That should work. We’ll have some decent leftovers from family dinner to serve beforehand. I can also fry up some chicken if needed.”
Trixie added the date to her calendar app.