Page 79 of Happy Endings

“Anytime. I’d do anything for you, Trixie. Not that it was a great sacrifice.”

“Andre, thank you.”

“For what?” He pulled her tighter against him.

“For inviting me to help at community dinner. You’ve talked so much about your neighbors. I want to meet them.” Trixie wanted to meet the people who shaped Andre as a kid. The ones for whom he’d taken responsibility without being asked. Now that he was older, his love for his community was what gave him purpose.

ANDRE’S HEART LEAPT.She wanted to be part of his life that didn’t involve his bed. And meet his neighbors, no, his extended family.

“I’m glad you agreed, babe.” He kept his voice steady, as if this wasn’t a big deal. “We can always use extra hands.”

“Good. I’ll come by early and you can put me to work.” Yawning, she pulled his arm tighter around her waist. Andre buried his face in her hair and breathed in the lingering citrus shampoo.Giving himself over to her tonight had been hard, but she’d given him no choice. He actually enjoyed it.

He felt safe around Trixie. That no matter how bad things got, she’d keep him moving forward. She had big dreams and wanted to lift others up with her.

“I should have never left you the way I did.”

He stroked her hair. “Because I never stopped loving you, Trixie.”

Crap. The words had slipped out. Things had been so good between them the past few weeks. Now he had to ruin it with the L-word. She wasn’t ready, but hearing her talk about bussing tables for their community dinner—she wanted to be part of his life, too. Not just his bed or his business.

He waited for her to panic. For her to run out the door. She remained still.

“Trixie?” He brushed her hair aside and looked at her face. Trixie was asleep.

Andre closed his eyes, glad that she hadn’t heard his declaration of love. Things had been so good between them, the last thing he wanted to do was scare her away. He’d tell her after family dinner, after she’d met all the important people in his life. They’d love her as much as he loved her.

Chapter 29

Trixie eased the front door to her apartment open as quietly as she could. She’d snuck away before Andre woke up. Sitting in Friday-morning rush hour gave her plenty of time to relive the previous night over and over. It wasn’t the passionate sex that she replayed but what he’d confessed to her after.

Andre said he loved her. He still loved her and had never stopped. She’d been in such shock that she faked being asleep. Not the most mature way to respond, but he’d caught her off guard.

Zoe was right. Trixie had let things go too far. She cared about him, but she wanted to join the co-op, too. He’d made it clear that she had to pick a side. But what if things weren’t so cut and dry? She didn’t want to hurt him, but—


Trixie shrieked. Zoe was making coffee in the kitchen.

“Sorry,” her roommate apologized. “Why are you sneaking into your own apartment?”

“I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Actually, I’ve been up most of the night working on my blog. I’m chugging some coffee before I lay down for a nap. Want some?”

Trixie shook her head even though she was exhausted. She dropped her bags by the front door and threw herself on thecouch. If she fell asleep, she didn’t have to deal with her feelings about Andre. Or even what those feelings were.

“Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Zoe rushed over and pressed her coffee mug into Trixie’s hands. “Drink.”

“Last night Andre said he loved me.” Trixie took a sip of coffee and handed it back.

“I see.” Zoe had the grace not to sayI told you so.Her roommate had warned her, and Trixie had brushed her off.

“I’m freaking out,” Trixie confessed. She told her how they’d tried out Whimsy together. “Everything was fine until we cuddled up for pillow talk. I was sleepy from my after-sex glow. That’s when he dropped the L-bomb.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. I pretended I was asleep.” Trixie covered her face and groaned. “I can’t do this.”