Xavier had dug through the wreckage to recover theMAMA HAZEL’S DINERsign. It was mostly intact, except for burnt edges and half therinDinerhad broken off. Before the soft open, the three of them hung the sign over the bar as a reminder of their roots.
Best of all, Trixie’s co-op was around the corner. He brought her lunch every day and tried to help tend the store while she ate. He would never be as good as Trixie when it came to selling vibrators, but he’d made some pretty big sales.
Mrs. Harris placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hazel would be so proud of you and Keisha.”
Andre nodded, his throat suddenly tight. He blinked quickly to rid the wetness from his eyes. When did it become so dusty in here?
“Where’s that gal of yours?”
“Mrs. Harris, you look great!” Trixie walked up right on cue, having detached herself from the Boss Babes gaggle across the room, and hugged the elderly woman.
“What’s this I hear about you going off to San Francisco?”
Trixie laughed. “Not for a while yet. I want to get the boutique off to a solid start, but I’ll be starting a program there in the summer.”
This time when Trixie had decided she wanted to go back to school, Andre had helped her make a pros and cons list instead of pushing her into it. She’d applied and been accepted to a program out there to become a certified sex therapist.
“Well, we’ll miss seeing you here. Especially your Andre. I knew you two were meant to be. With a little help, of course.” Mrs. Harris winked.
“Of course you did.” Trixie grinned at Andre. “You know, the food scene there is amazing. The chefs there are doing some innovative things. I might have to convince you to take some time off and come with me.”
The promise in her eyes had his heart beating faster already. A vacation with Trixie sounded like heaven.
“Now, where can a woman get some food aroundhere?”
Laughing, he escorted Mrs. Harris to the new restaurant’s centerpiece, the long wooden table loaded with large plates. There was a tower made from squares of yellow cornbread, plates piled high with fried chicken, ceramic baking dishes stuffed with macaroni and cheese, plus a Dutch oven filled his now popular collard greens braised with kimchi. Half the seats were already taken by neighbors and new friends.
Andre drank in the sight. A year ago, he never could have imagined so much happiness in his life. He was a lucky man.
TRIXIE WAS STILLwatching Andre navigate Mrs. Harris around the table as the older woman pointed to the greens and no doubt started claiming her own recipe’s superiority again.
“Wow, she keeps on moving,” said Keisha as she approached and handed Trixie a Diet Coke. “You know our family community dinners have never been the same since your private class. Mrs. Harris has been talking about her vibrator nonstop!”
Trixie laughed. Of course she did.
“You outdid yourself here, Keisha. Restaurant and hospitality management won’t know what hit them!”
Keisha was thriving in her new major. The college had even given her class credit for her real-life experience running Hazel’s Kitchen.
“Thank you for helping us launch the very first DMV Dialogues night. And recruiting the Boss Babes to help.”
Each month a community expert would be brought in to open a discussion about various topics. Tonight’s topic—to Andre’s dismay—was safe sex for the senior community. Sexually transmitted infections were rising for that demographic, Trixie had learned during her classes. No one wanted to talk about it, but with Mrs. Harris’s help, they had a good crowd tonight. The delicious food was a big draw, too.
“How could I say no? Everyone here has helped me with so much, I want to do my part for the community, too.”
“Next month Zoe is coming to teach basic hand-sewing skills. Can you believe that my friend and I can’t even sew on a button?” Keisha scanned the notes on her phone. “I just need to line up speakers for the rest of the year.”
“You’re a natural at this. I talked to the Babes and we’d like to officially invite you to become a Boss Babe.”
“Really?” Keisha squealed. “Yes, I am in!”
“Good. I’ll text you details about our next meeting.” The two women hugged. Keisha had blossomed the past few months. She would be an asset to the Boss Babes.
Keisha’s phone rang. “I have to take this. Start without me?”
Trixie took a deep breath and inhaled all the mouthwatering scents floating in the air. As expected, the guests were milling around the buffet, set on the restaurant’s giant reclaimed table. She was too nervous about her presentation to eat.
“Hungry?” Andre said behind her.