“STALEPOPCORN, LUKEWARMhot dogs and flat beer. What more could a man want from life?” Tyler Leshuski flung an arm around the back of Matty’s seat and tilted his face up toward the cheerful squint of the early-June sun that was belatedly trying to make up its mind between spring and summer.
Matty Dorner, freshly seven years old as of this morning, peered dubiously into Tyler’s cup. “I dunno, Uncle Ty. I think I like orange soda better than beer.”
“That’s because you’ve never had beer,” Tyler replied, knowing he was about to receive—yup, there was the sharp flick to the back of his head smartly administered by his best friend. Tyler, grinning, tipped his head backward and viewed Sebastian upside down, sitting in the row behind him. “You rang?”
“Will you kindly quit talking to my seven-year-old about beer?” Sebastian asked.
Tyler opened his mouth to respond, but the slight, pretty woman tucked under Sebastian’s arm beat him to it. “Matty knows beer is a grown-up’s drink. There’s no harm in learning about it from Uncle Tyler.”
“See? Listen to the woman.” Tyler quickly sat back up, feeling strangely deflated even though Sebastian’s girlfriend had sided with him, as she often did. Via DeRosa was sweet and thoughtful and loving. There was no arguing with the fact that she was downright good for Sebastian and Matty, who’d both endured enough loss to tide anyone over for a lifetime. After Sebastian had lost Matty’s mother, Cora, in a car accident almost five years ago, Tyler had wondered if his best friend would ever be himself again. The old Sebastian. The one who laughed easily, played rec basketball and every once in a while, hired a babysitter so that he could go out and have a beer with his oldest friend Tyler.
In the half a year since Seb and Via had gotten together, Tyler had seen more glimpses of the relaxed, open, fun-loving man Sebastian used to be than in the previous five years combined. This was a good thing, Tyler knew. He just wished that he was around for more of it.
Hell. Matty’s birthday party today was the first time he’d seen the kid in almost ten days. There used to be a time when Tyler hadn’t gone more than twenty-four hours without shoving the kid’s wiggling toes into a pair of tiny socks or cramming a waffle down his throat while they bolted out the door, late for Matty’s school.
There used to be a reason for Tyler to be around. Now? Not so much. There was more than enough supervision for Matty these days. Via was officially moving into Sebastian and Matty’s house in three weeks, when her lease ran out. And then Seb’s house, practically Tyler’s second home, would officially become a place where Tyler rang the doorbell while he waited outside on the porch for someone to answer.
“Did I miss anything, Matty?” Joy Choi asked anxiously in that high, clear voice of hers as she slid into her seat, her pigtails tucked under the Coney Island Cyclones cap that matched the one on Matty’s head.
“You’re back!” Matty practically shouted in his best friend’s face. “I was worried you’d miss the seventh-inning stretch. That’s the best part.”
“Matty, Matty, Matty.” Tyler shook his head in mock disappointment. “The best part is obviously the actual baseball. Besides, it’s only the fourth inning.”
“Right, Uncle Ty,” Matty agreed, nodding his head sagely before turning back to Joy. “Did you get any snacks?”
Tyler chuckled to himself. The kid obviously knew the best way to shut up an adult. Agree with what they say and move on.
“Thanks for taking her, Fin,” Seb said from behind Tyler. “Was it any trouble?”
“None at all,” replied the woman whose voice never failed to make Tyler’s pulse trip over its own feet. Facing away from her, toward the ball game, Tyler tried not to pay attention to the hairs rising on the back of his neck as she settled next to Sebastian. Tyler couldn’t figure out if it was better or worse that she sat behind him.
If she was in front of him, he could at least keep an eye on her, though he knew it would mean he wouldn’t watch a second of the game. But behind him, she became a disembodied voice, the sound of which practically haunted him, if he’d believed in that sort of thing. Behind him, she became all sultry Louisiana drawl—smoky cloves, lavender and sage. The woman had the kind of voice that told a man exactly how her mouth tasted.
Tyler shifted in his seat and did not turn around. The only thing more potent than her voice was her face, and he didn’t need to turn around to call it up, perfectly, in his mind. Moon-pale skin, eerily light eyes and plush lips. Gah. Baseball, baseball, baseball, he reprimanded himself.
He wasn’t here to swan around about a woman, no matter how painfully beautiful she was. No matter if it made his feet sweat in his perfectly matched Nike socks to know she sat behind him, gorgeous and dangerous, like a gemstone tiger come to life. He was here because it was his quasi-nephew’s seventh birthday and because a minor league baseball game was the second-best way to pass a warm day, preceded in Tyler’s mind only by the bike ride down Ocean Parkway that led to said baseball game. Well, he amended internally, maybe the absolute best way to pass a warm, sunny day was indoors, tussling under the covers with some warm, sunny woman.
The hairs on the back of his neck rose yet again, this time forcefully, and he wondered, uncomfortably, if the woman sitting behind him somehow knew that his thoughts had turned to sex. Serafine St. Romain claimed she was psychic, which Tyler wholeheartedly rolled his eyes at. He didn’t believe in that kind of thing, and was naturally skeptical of people who did. But every once in a while, like right now, with the bright sun warming his baseball cap, when his skin gathered into goose bumps, Tyler just sort of...wondered if parts of her claims could be true. Could she read his thoughts?
“Yes,” her voice said from behind him, low but clear and just as sexy as always.
“What?” he asked, jolting and spinning around to face her. “What did you say?”
And then he was facing her and there was no looking away from the unabashed attractiveness of that high-cheekboned, clear-eyed, plush-mouthed face. He felt like he was suddenly staring into a solar eclipse.
“Via asked if I’d texted with Mary today. I said yes,” Fin responded dryly, though she smirked as if she knew exactly the reason his stupid heart had just fallen down the stairs. But she couldn’t read minds, he reminded himself. That was ridiculous. It was just coincidence that her voice had broken through his thoughts at that particular moment.
“Right,” he said gruffly, before turning back around. Then he quickly turned to her again. “Why were you texting with Mary?”
One of Serafine’s dark eyebrows rose up her forehead, further framing her large, light eyes. “Because she’s my friend.”
“Right,” Tyler said again, just as dumbly as the first time. He turned back around and put his eyes on the game, feeling all sorts of bothered. He hadn’t known that Serafine and Mary texted each other. It was stupid that it bothered him. It was stupid to feel like Mary was his and Seb’s friend, not Via and Serafine’s friend. But, dammit! It was he and Mary who’d dragged Sebastian back to life after Cora died. It was Sebastian and Tyler and Mary who’d laughed until they’d cried and then just plain cried together all those nights. It was Tyler and Mary who’d coordinated meals for Sebastian and done the grocery shopping and traded off babysitting without Sebastian even having to ask them.
This time last year and it had just been Sebastian, Mary and Tyler at the annual Cyclones game they always went to for Matty’s birthday, riding bikes down the parkway to get there and scarfing processed meat and snow cones until the sun threatened to go down and they had to bike home.
But Tyler had to admit that things were changing. This year Matty had even ridden his own bicycle, instead of in a seat on the back of Seb’s. Mary hadn’t been able to make it, busy as she was at her shop these days, and the extra ticket had fallen to Joy. But the biggest change of all? Last fall, Via had tumbled into Sebastian’s life, and she’d plunked her best friend and foster sister, Serafine, down along with her.