“Me, too,” he replied hurriedly, the words tripping off his tongue in relief and rising giddiness. “I mean, obviously I am.” He laughed and exhaled and slammed his eyes shut.I’m in.Her words repeated themselves in his head. He held them tight, like gemstones in a fist. He was never letting them go.
VIA’SWETNESSWASpressed against his underwear and she ached for him. They’d just had each other, and somehow she needed him again, so badly. It was the complicated expression in his eyes that did it. She’d watched him reassure her and awaken a fear of his own all in the same speech. They were two complicated people who were marked by the losses in their lives. But she hadn’t lost Seb. And he hadn’t lost her. They were here together and she wanted to, needed to, show him that.
Via leaned her forehead against his and trailed her hand down his chest. She danced her fingers at the waist of his underwear, and his breathing became jagged. His hips, under hers, pushed up into her and she felt him waking up.
Emboldened by the desire she saw in his eyes, Via slipped her hand into his underwear. He was very large and getting larger. Her breath caught as she pumped him in her hand. But the dang underwear was in the way and she rose up a few irritated inches and jerked them down to the middle of his thighs. He chuckled at the frustrated look on her face, but the laugh died when she sat back on his lap and pumped him again.
He was spearing up between them and Via needed something to lubricate him. She spit onto him and he swore a blue streak, covering his eyes for a second like the sight was too hot for him to even watch. But he was huge, and it wasn’t enough. So, in a move she’d never even considered executing before, she dipped her free hand through her own wetness and used it to slick his erection. She smiled when his hands went into fists where he leaned back on them.
“Fuck, Via. You gorgeous—gah—just like that. I can’t—oh fuck.”
He was huge and practically vibrating, speaking gibberish, and she was making him like that. She was the one doing this to him. She felt a whippy power curl out inside of her. She understood, in that second, what he’d been describing. That this was what sharing the wheel felt like. Sometimes he drove and sometimes she did. And right now, she was driving.
She rose up on her knees and guided the head through her wetness, swirling it in a tight circle around her clit.
Seb’s breath washed over her and she felt his knees rise up behind her. “Condom,” he bit out.
He smiled a helpless, tortured smile at her curse. “Are you on birth control?”
“IUD,” she responded immediately. She understood what he was really asking, and boy howdy, was she on board.
“I’m clean,” he gritted out. “I got tested a few weeks ago after—”
She slapped a hand over his mouth, suspecting he might be about to reveal something about someone else he’d slept with. Yeah. She was not a jealous person, but now was not the time.
“Me, too,” she told him and sank down onto him, taking him in one long, hip-circling downward press that sunk him to the hilt and brought them face-to-face.
Seb groaned, making a noise like he’d been shot. Via loved it. The ravenous look on his face. His hair messy. She flexed on him, made him make the noise again.
“You look wrecked,” she told him, rising up and taking him in all the way again.
“Ah—damn—I am wrecked. You’re wrecking me.”
She got in one more stroke of her own before he gripped her hips, fell onto his back and started pumping up into her from below.
Via was no virgin, and she’d watched a little porn here and there. But she had never seen something like this before. Sebastian Dorner, big bones and chest hair and flexing muscles, the tendons in his neck standing out as he grimaced against the pleasure. His stomach wasn’t extremely defined, it was more a solid wall of muscle, but as he flexed himself up and into her, she saw a hundred different ridges and shadows she hadn’t noticed before. His hips were taking them a good six inches off the ground with every stroke.
Via hinged forward, her mouth falling to his chest, and took everything he was giving to her. Seb braced a hand on her tailbone and growled when she bared her teeth and bit his chest. She’d meant it to be a sweet little bite. A kiss of pain to remind him who he was with. But he swiveled his hips, and the new angle he was hitting had her entire body clenching. Her jaw closed hard on his pec and she screamed her pleasure.
She pushed herself back, one hand on either side of his head, and saw the bite mark that she’d left. It was small but deep, feral and territorial. This was her man who was fucking her brains out on his living room floor.
“No one else,” she told him. She was shocked at the words that she would never have said to anyone else in a million years. But if he was shocked, he didn’t show it.
He merely locked eyes with her and nodded, his lips pulled back to show his teeth. Via pressed her palm to the bite mark, and Seb pressed his hand over hers. Together they sealed in her claim on him.
His other hand dropped to her clit, and Seb made sweet, lazy, little circles that completely belied the possessive, vicious strokes of him inside of her.
She said it again. “This is it for me. No one else.”
With that, he was rearing up and pulling out of her. Via gasped at the loss of him but it didn’t last long. He set her on her hands and knees and was suddenly behind her. She’d never loved this position before, but with Sebastian, she was leaning back into him, spreading herself as wide as she could. She wanted him to have everything.
He stroked into her, solid and confident, before he fell over her, bracing his hands over hers and placing his mouth at her ear. “Ever,” he told her. “No one else, ever.”