“Nothing.” She looked at him. “Everything. Dark chocolate.”
He grinned and reached for her. But with a surprising burst of energy, she was rearing up and reaching for his underwear. She pulled them, quick as a flash, down to his knees and halted, full stop. She couldn’t help but gape.
Because, Mamma mia.
She reflexively looked down at his feet. Yup, those were ginormous, too.
He kicked off his underwear all the way. “You look worried.”
“No, I’m...” She didn’t know what she was. “Really turned on. That is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Come on.”
She was utterly delighted when he blushed and the body part in question grew another half inch. Acting on impulse, and because every part of her was dying to, she leaned down and licked all the way up his shaft, circling the head.
“Holy—” He lunged upward and gripped her by the shoulders.
“Yes. A fucking million percent yes.”
She smiled and knelt over him again. He leaned back on his palms and she felt his eyes on the side of her face as she pursed her lips and took him through the soft barrier of her mouth. She worked her tongue and swallowed him down as far as she could. Her eyes fluttered closed and she felt the light feather of his fingers pushing her hair off her face.
He threaded his fingers into her hair, and Via was thrilled and turned on when his breath washed over her in violent gasps. When his hips began to lift an inch or two off the bed, he gently pulled her off of him and dragged her into his lap, where he dropped his forehead to her shoulder and just hugged her. He held her tight and breathed so hard, the skin on one side of her body went alternately hot and cold with his inhales and exhales.
When he pulled back, she got a good look at his eyes. Dilated and desirous. “Via...”
“Yes. Yesyesyes. Right now.”
He smiled, came back to himself just a touch. His hand struck out to his nightstand and fished around for a condom. He came up with an unopened box and the sight of it warmed something in her. Instinctively, somehow, she just knew that he’d bought these for her.
She tipped his head back and kissed the hell out of him. Even though the distraction slowed his hands down, she didn’t care. She heard him open the condom, felt him reach around behind her back and sheathe himself. His hands came to her back and he did that one-after-the-other endless rub that simultaneously soothed and just about destroyed her.
Via made sure his eyes were on hers when she rose up on her knees. She reached between them but didn’t look away from him. She guided the wide head between her legs. Via lowered herself down as Seb held himself perfectly still. His eyes were dilating and retracting, his mouth slung open, his face tight and loose at the same time. She took him in an inch and breathed. Goddamn, the man was big. She swiveled her hips and took another inch. Little by little, she worked herself down on him until there was a final two inches to go and apparently, Seb had hit his limit. When she pushed down the final time, he thrust his hips upward and they both gasped, frozen, said each other’s names.
“Oh God,” Via whispered. Her fingers were on his shoulders as her head fell backward. But then his hand was at the base of her head and tipping her back forward so that he could see her face.
She lifted up and then back down. They gasped and reached out for one another. There was so, so, so much friction as they clutched each other. She felt like she was touching damn near all of him. He hugged her so tight and she’d never felt safer or more desired in her entire life. She’d never in her life been made love to like this. Like it truly mattered. Like she mattered. There was no vanity here. No self-consciousness. This was about connection. Delicious, unending connection.
Suddenly, Seb gripped her around the waist and scooted them backward so that his back rested against the headboard. His hand fell between them and worked at her clit.
“I want you to come again,” he growled, his head falling back onto the wall behind him.
“I came so much already.” She figured it was probably his turn.
She faltered in her movements, taking him all the way in and pausing. “I can’t usually...during...never, actually.” She really hadn’t intended on divulging that piece of information, but it seemed to light some fire inside him.
“Try,” he said. “Just try.” He spread his arms out along the headboard and her mouth watered at all that muscle, those long arms, the chest hair on display for her. “I’m not going anywhere. Just try.”
She knew what he was telling her. That he was a grown man who could control himself. That he wasn’t going to go off like a rocket after three strokes. That she could work herself against him and really see what was what. The thought simultaneously thrilled and terrified her. But this was Seb. All handsome and plain and gray-green seagrass eyes. She trusted him. And that’s what it all came down to.
Via lifted herself and slid back down.Feels good but not quite it.She swiveled on him.Closer.She jutted forward, took him all the way to the hilt and circled.Yeah. There it is.She found a rhythm, and judging from the pained/blissed-out expression on his face, it was working just fine for Seb as well.
She gasped and planted her hands on the wall behind him as she rode and rode. At first, he seemed content to just watch, but as she built, his hands came to her hips, up her back, her breasts and neck, her hair.
When she broke, her eyes wide and amazed, her body trembling like he’d hooked her up to a live wire, he let her shake herself out and then bowled her over and onto her back.