“For a software company,” Via continued, swirling the wine in her glass.
“That’s great.”
“Yeah. It is.” The conversation stalled a bit, the way it always did when Via brought up Evan. She knew that Serafine was waiting for Via to ask her why. And that’s exactly why Via didn’t ask. It bothered her that her best friend didn’t try harder to like Evan. And it especially bothered her that Serafine was usually, uncannily, right about these kinds of things. Via stubbornly ignored that. “So, how did the date go with the dentist?”
Safer to change the subject.
It was only because of how well they knew one another that Via caught the look of discomfort on Fin’s face. Though Fin wasn’t a stranger to the occasional hookup, dating was new for her and uncomfortable for reasons she had yet to explain to Via. “Ah, not meant to be. He took one look at my jewelry, heard that I make my living working with people’s auras and he couldn’t hail a cab fast enough.”
“His loss.”
“Exactly. His aura was all wonky anyways. You know I don’t do well with the red ones.”
Via nodded, having had this conversation many times. “Too practical. But what were you expecting, really, from a dentist?”
Serafine nodded her head from one side to the other. “People can surprise you. But maybe you’re right. Maybe I need to start looking for an artist to date. Someone with a nice, yummy green aura.”
Via gulped down some wine, her stomach tightening when she swallowed too fast. “I assume we’re talking about Sebastian.”
“His aura was deliciously green. With just a touch of purple around the center.”
“And what does that indicate?”
“That he’s open, willing to change, to be amazed. That he’s on a journey toward connecting his heart and mind. And there’s a little kiss of orange in there as well. That indicates a lot of passion.” She raised a dark eyebrow. “Of a very specific variety.”
“All right, all right.” Via raised a hand. “He’s my work colleague, I don’t need to hear any more about his passion.” She paused. “You want me to give him your number?”
Serafine hesitated infinitesimally, then abruptly nodded. “If it doesn’t bother you, sister. I think that would be a good idea.”
Via gulped her wine again. “Of course it doesn’t bother me! Why would it? You’re single, he’s single... I think. I’ll definitely pass it along.” She continued to stare at her swirling wine. “Fin? My aura? Is it the same as it was before? Just blue?”
Serafine sighed. “Oh, Violetta. You know it is.”
Blue wasn’t a bad aura to have at all. It indicated peace, authority, a sense of calm. But it also indicated a deep loneliness. Via twiddled the wineglass between her fingers. She’d never asked what Evan’s aura was. And she wasn’t about to now.
“YOU’REGETTINGOLD.” Sebastian grinned at Tyler as the man limped back from the play structure, one hand on his lower back.
Tyler plopped onto the park bench, shoving Crabby to the side as the dog’s tongue lolled out one side of his mouth. “Fuck you. I’m three months younger than you are. And besides, no one over the age of fifteen should be expected to do the monkey bars.”
“You’re just salty because Joy beat you.” Seb recrossed his legs and watched as Matty and Joy took turns trying to scale a pole, fireman style.
“Joy always beats me. The kid is like an Olympic athlete already.”
Sebastian’s eyes wandered over to Joy’s parents, both of them sitting on a bench on the other side of the playground, quietly chatting to one another. He used to sit next to them, but he realized pretty quick that they sat in silence if he was around. He didn’t want to be the third wheel on their park dates.
“Hey.” Seb turned to Tyler. “How’re things going with Kylie?”
Tyler leaned forward and picked up one perfectly red Japanese maple leaf. He twirled it in his fingers and sat back, uncharacteristically quiet as he gathered his thoughts. Seb’s stomach dropped. If he was reacting this way, then it was definitely bad news.
“She’s...all right, I think. But it’s not like she tells me much. You know, a fourteen-year-old kid isn’t exactly wild about chatting with her forty-two-year-old brother on the phone. Sometimes she texts, and I can usually get her to open up a little more. But we’re still getting used to it, you know? It’s only been two years since we knew the other existed.” Tyler tossed the maple leaf back to the ground. “Doesn’t help that her mom hits on me every chance she gets. Gives me the willies.”
“Well, you’re not related to Kylie’s mom.”
“Yeah, but she had a kid with my father. There’s some lines a man doesn’t cross. And double-dipping with your dad is one of them.”
“Oh God.” Sebastian grimaced.
“Exactly. Anyways, I’ve been trying to talk my way into visiting them in Ohio without having to see Kylie’s mom too much. But I don’t know, I don’t want to push. I know that it’s hard for Kylie to be around me. That I remind her of our dad.” His face drew tight, and for a second, he looked a lot older. “And that’s pretty much the last thing I’d ever want to do.”