“Okay. She won’t hurt me though. She likes me.”
A desperate prayer surged into her heart.God, if you’re there, we need you big-time here. I need you. Please, please help.
When Blake hadn’t found Isaac at the otter enclosure or heard that his mother had located him, the first niggle of concern shivered up his spine. Where could he be?
He thought to call his mom, then realized he hadn’t brought his phone. Maybe she’d found him but couldn’t call. They shouldhave coordinated. He cupped his hands around his mouth when he reached the bird aviary. “Isaac!”
A startled flutter of wings from the aviary was the only answer. He’d circle back to the house in case his mother hadn’t taken her phone with her either. Maybe they were all safe and sound waiting on him.
He stopped and shook his head. No, she would have rushed home to call him if she’d found Isaac and didn’t have her phone. If she tried his number, it would have rung on the front porch, and she would be out searching for him now so that he knew.
He turned back to the otter enclosure. Could his little brother have gotten inside the otter building? It was all locked up, but Isaac was resourceful. Blake patted his pocket for his key and approached the low-slung concrete building. He inserted the key but stopped and turned at the sound of a small voice calling his name. “Isaac?”
The figure came into view under a wash of lights. “It’s me.” Levi’s eyes were wide with horror. “You have to come now! Isaac is in with Tigey, and Paradise is going inside after him.” His brother threw himself against Blake’s legs and sobs erupted from him. “The tiger will eat them both!”
A shot of pure terror shot down Blake’s spine. He scooped up Levi and raced toward the tiger enclosure.
Chapter 21
Paradise’s hands shook as she reached the outside gate.It’s unlocked.How had Isaac gotten a key and entered? Was this another case of sabotage? Her throat closed as she eyed the tiger with its tail lashing. Tigris’s eyes gleamed in the moonlight as she turned her head to stare at Paradise’s movements.
Paradise held her breath as the tiger turned her way at the scrape of the gate opening. The high fence rose way above her head and angled slightly in with metal mesh over it to keep an animal from climbing it. Where was Blake? The tigers knew and liked him. If she had him here, this sheer and rising terror wouldn’t be quite so bad. If there’d been time, she would have gotten food from the shed, but the tiger could pounce on Isaac at any moment.
She stared directly into the tiger’s eyes. “Hey, girl,” she said in a soothing, conversational tone. “How are you tonight?” She should have been making an effort to get to know the big cats in her care, but she’d let her stupid fear keep her from doing her job.
The big cat’s tail ceased its lashing, but the tiger continued to watch her every movement. “That’s right, we’re friends.”
She walked through the empty first enclosure and reached the inner gate that stood wide open. Her muscles were tense, and she had to force herself to walk through the opening. The musky odor of the big cats intensified, and a wave of nausea nearly took her down as her fear heightened. She’d hoped never to be this close to a big cat again.
“Isaac, move very slowly.” She kept the same tone so the tiger would think she was addressing her. “Keep staring at Tigey in case she looks your way. I’m going to try to keep her attention on me.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him rise from the ground and start backing toward her. “That’s it. Just a few more feet and you can go through to the outer enclosure. Once you get through the first gate, keep backing up until you’re out. Don’t make any sudden movements that would startle her.”
“It will be okay, Paradise. God will take care of you.”
Such trust from the little boy shook her. She wished she could believe the way he did. The way Blake and Jenna did. God hadn’t done such a great job of helping her in her life, but just in case he was listening, she shot up an awkward prayer again.
God, if you’re there, please, please help me. Isaac doesn’t deserve this. If the tiger attacks, let it come for me.
Tears sprang to her eyes, and she licked her lips before trying to speak to the tiger again. She couldn’t let fear translate to her tone. “Good girl, Tigey. We can be friends, right? You’re so beautiful.”
Isaac had reached the gate and slipped through. Another minute and he would be safe outside of the perimeter enclosure too. She’d conquered her fear enough to face down this big cat.
A sense of peace began to replace the trembling in her knees. Warmth filled her chest, and she saw how beautiful the tiger trulywas. Those dramatic markings and her blue eyes were stunning. And the power in those muscles wasn’t just for killing and eating but for leaping and stretching. Every movement the animal made was a work of art. God had made the tiger as well as her, right? Even if she died right here on this red dirt tonight, she had this incandescent moment of recognition that God had heard her just a little bit.
A deep voice spoke from the tiger’s left. “Why, there you are, Tigey. How’s my sweet girl?”
The massive white head moved toward Blake’s voice, and the tiger stretched out her front legs and moved toward him. Blake reached through the fence wires and rubbed Tigris’s side. Jenna, her face white, stood just past him with both boys in her arms.
“Such a pretty girl,” Blake crooned. His gaze flickered over Paradise, and he made an almost imperceptible motion toward the gate.
She swallowed hard and nodded before backing away as quietly as she could. Her hand touched the hard surface of the gate, and she changed course enough to exit the opening. The gate creaked as she shut it, and the tiger turned back toward her momentarily until Blake spoke again. “Look at me, Tigris. I’m here. Want to play ball?”
The animal’s ears flickered at the wordball. Paradise had heard she was particularly fond of large balls. Though Blake had no toys at hand, the big cat gave him her rapt attention.