All good signs. “Did you hear anything? Was someone in here?”
“I don’t think so.” Her soft gaze was fixed on his face, and the shield she usually wore was completely down.
He gazed into those gorgeous amber eyes and saw a glimmer of the way she used to stare at him. Maybe there was still an ember or two of what had once burned deep inside her heart where she tried to keep it hidden. He wished he could trust it, but she was likely to have her defenses fully in place as soon as all her senses returned. All that tenderness shimmering in the depths of her eyes would vanish. But if he was patient, maybe he could smash those defenses forever.
Her lids came down and shuttered the vulnerability again as she struggled to sit up. “Whoa, whoa,” he said. “You need to be still until the ambulance gets here.”
“I’m okay. My head hurts, but I want to see what clobbered me.”
Her words were steady and so were her movements, so he gave in and helped her sit. “You stay here while I see what happened.”
Once he was sure she wasn’t trying to stand, he rose and glanced around the shed. Pitchforks, rakes, buckets, and variousother tools were neatly organized on hooks and shelves. He stepped closer to the door and a gleam caught his eye. A shiny wire snaked around the top of the doorframe and then across the ceiling. It had been attached with staples, and he followed it to where it ended. An antique iron had been attached to one end, and it hung down near the center of the room.
He frowned and gave it a swing. If it had been attached to the ceiling and let loose, it would have hit whoever came through the door in the head. In this case it had struck Paradise, but she wasn’t likely the target since he was the one most likely to use this shed.
It had been a planned attack on Blake.
Chapter 19
After a CT scan and a thorough checkup at the hospital, Paradise was released to go home. She rested amid a mountain of pillows atop the bottom bunk bed. Her jaw ached and so did her head. The boys curled at her side like puppies. Levi had a book, and Isaac scribbled with his crayons in a coloring book. The scent of wax from the crayons was somehow homey and soothing to Paradise.
Her dark hair in a messy bun, Jenna poked her head inside the door. “How’s your headache?”
“Lurking in the background but not bad.”
“Want me to scoop these hoodlums out of here?”
“They’re fine. I like having them with me. I—I don’t really want to be alone.” Paradise still trembled from the memory of that iron coming toward her from out of nowhere. The malevolence of such an action was unbelievable. Who would want to hurt Blake like that?
Jenna’s expression softened, and she headed toward the closet. “I’ll put some lavender essential oil in the diffuser. That should help your aching head. I don’t mind sitting with you either.”
“You have a lot to do. I’m fine with your boys taking care of me.”
Her expression still doubtful, Jenna pulled out a diffuser and a box of essential oils. The hiss of the machine started, and the scent of lavender began to swirl around the room. “I have to order food, but I’ll check in later.”
“Wh-where’s Blake?” Paradise hated the way she sounded so needy. She was fine—really. Just shaken.
What if that iron had killed Blake? The thought of those gentle eyes being closed forever stole her breath, and she closed her eyes briefly.
“You okay, Paradise?” Jenna asked.
Paradise opened her eyes and nodded. “Fine.” She was relieved her voice sounded normal.
“Blake said to tell you he’d check on you after he was done with the investigation. Detective Greene is out there now assessing the attack.” Jenna’s voice wobbled. “I’ll admit I’m worried about my boy. He’s usually the main person to access that shed. Someone seems out to get him. I-I’ve lost two men I love now, and the thought of losing my oldest son is overwhelming.”
Paradise should have thought of Jenna’s fear in this situation. “Of course you’re scared. It feels like the answer to who’s behind all this is lurking just out of sight. Does Blake have any enemies?”
“Not that I know of. He makes friends wherever he goes.”
“What about when he was in the Marines? Could he have made an enemy there?”
The troubled expression in Jenna’s blue eyes intensified. “I hadn’t thought of that, but I suppose it’s possible. We can ask him. There’s an incident that happened in Afghanistan that he doesn’t like to talk about. I’ve thought this had to be related to the preserve, but it could be something else.”
The determination to get to the bottom of the danger pushed Paradise’s headache to the back of her consciousness. Or maybe it was the sweet scent of lavender essential oil filling her lungs. She sat up and grabbed the notebook on the bedside table.Check Afghanistan, other jobs.
“You have more color in your cheeks,” Jenna said with a lilt in her voice. “I’m glad you and Blake have buried the hatchet. He’s beaten himself up for years about how things went down with you. I think your coming back will be healing for you both.”
The pen stilled in Paradise’s hands, and she glanced up to glimpse speculation in Jenna’s face. Did she secretly hope they would resume their relationship? The thought wasn’t as terrifying as it had been before that kiss. Was Jenna right and her heart was healing? Paradise hadn’t thought it possible for that to happen.