Page 15 of Ambush

The wolf pack milled around Paradise’s legs, and they seemed nervous and jumpy. This wasn’t part of her veterinary job, but she wanted to step in and help wherever she could. Today they’d been short a predator keeper.

One of the wolves, a female, stared past Paradise and whined. What was wrong with them? She rubbed the animal’s ears and tossed out food for the pack. They didn’t immediately lunge for their meal and continued to move restlessly.

The scent of smoke reached Paradise’s nose and she sniffed. It didn’t smell like trash. The odor was stronger and more acrid. She gave the wolf a final pat before exiting the pen and turning back toward the buildings. She shaded her eyes from the bright Alabama sun and stared in the distance at the black smoke billowing above the structures. It appeared to be coming from the little stretch of cottages, and her heart stuttered.

Wait, was ithercottage?

She took off running toward the buildings. As she neared she heard shouts and saw flames leaping through the roof of her sweet little home. The flames had wasted no time in roaring through the cottage’s old timber in spite of the stream of water pumping out through the fire hose the firemen held.

Blake stopped her as she neared. “Stay back.”

The heat radiating from the burning structure checked her impulse to evade him and dart into the cottage to gather her things. Everything she cared about was inside. At least Rosy was safe back in the medical building. Her vision blurred as she watched the last traces of her old life vanish in the flames. The pictures of her with her parents, the necklace her mother always wore, and the tattered teddy bear she’d taken to every foster home through the years were all...gone.

She sensed a presence move closer, and she glanced over to see Blake on her left side. He didn’t speak at first and squeezed her forearm as if he knew her pain. But he didn’t. He’d always had roots here. She yanked her arm away and folded her arms over her chest.

“Stand back, it’s going!” a fireman yelled as the roof caved in and sparks shot into the blue sky.

“I’m sorry, Paradise. All the wiring was redone when we remodeled it. The place was like new. I don’t understand what happened. The fire marshal should know more when he investigates.”

She stiffened and blinked back the moisture in her eyes. Was he implying she’d done something? “I didn’t even turn on anything electrical this morning. I had cereal for breakfast and didn’t so much as use a hair dryer.”

He reached toward her, then dropped his hand. “This wasn’t your fault. I didn’t mean I thought it was. With everything happening around here, I have to wonder if it was set.”

The thought hadn’t been on her radar, but it should have been. She exhaled and stared back at the cottage. “Can you tell where it started?”

“Not really. It’s a small place. Once it cools, I’ll take a walk-through. Insurance will cover your belongings.” His expression soured. “At least I hope it will. If it was arson, we probably won’t get a payment until they find out who did it.”

“Some things can’t be replaced.” Her voice wobbled.

He didn’t ask what those irreplaceable things were, and she didn’t tell him. She wasn’t sure she could hold her composure if she laid out what the fire had taken today. Everything that mattered to her was gone.

Jenna approached with a little boy on each side. She kept tight hold of their hands. Tears streamed down her face. “I’m so sorry, Paradise. All your things are gone.”

They all watched in silence until the flames finally subsided into smoking ruins. A small hand crept into Paradise’s and she glanced down. Isaac stared up at her with a sympathetic gaze. She picked him up, and he wrapped his skinny arms around her neck.

“Are you sad?” he whispered in her ear.

“A little bit.”

“Your clothes are all gone?”

She hadn’t thought about the fact she had no clothes for tomorrow. “They are.”

“And your shoes?”

“Shoes too.”

“What about your teddy bear? Maybe it hid under the bed.”

“I don’t think that would have saved him. I’m sure he’s gone too.”

“I have lots of bears. You can have whatever you want.”

She pressed her lips against his soft cheek. “You’re so sweet, Isaac. I wouldn’t want to take your favorite bear.”

“Well, maybe not myfavoriteone. But you can have any of the others.”

“Thank you, honey.” She exchanged an amused glance with Jenna. “You’re a good mom, Jenna. This little guy wants me to have any of his stuffed bears except his favorite one.”