Page 65 of Dead Man's List

Kit’s gaze went to the glass and she stared as well. “What the fuck?” she whispered. “That is not the attorney she told us to call this morning.”

Laura Letterman had entered the interview room.

“You said she was Munro’s attorney,” Navarro said. “Smart move on Veronica’s part. Now you can’t ask Letterman anything about either of them.”

“Bitch,” Kit muttered.

“The accused or the lawyer?” Navarro asked.

Kit scowled. “Both?” Veronica had tried to shake Sam down, but Laura had cheated on him.

“Maybe let Connor take this interview,” Navarro said carefully. “Just because you’ve gone up against Letterman before and she knows your style. Connor will be an unknown entity.”

Kit sighed. “I hate that you’re right.”

The door opened and closed before another voice muttered, “What the fuck?”

Joel Haley was staring through the glass much as Kit and Connor had. “She’sFitzgerald’s attorney?”

Kit sighed. “We were surprised, too. Have a seat, Joel.”

“I’m glad that Sam was too intoxicated to be here,” Joel said as he took the seat next to Kit.

Me too.“Better get started, Connor. We still have a million interviews to do.”

“What are you hoping to get out of Fitzgerald today?” Joel asked.

“Probably nothing,” Connor admitted. “She seems too smart to mouth off. But I’m hoping the autopsy photos will loosen her tongue. Plus, I’ll say that we know they were sleeping together, that the DNA found in her apartment came back positive. It hasn’t yet, I’m just hoping to get a reaction. We think she’s been searching for Munro’s dead man’s switch.”

Navarro had called Joel with the update after they’d left the prison that morning. It had helped secure the warrant for Veronica’s bags.

“That makes a lot of sense,” Joel said. “Especially if Munro’s wife wasn’t financing his lifestyle. Have we come any closer to tracking the trailer that hauled Munro’s Ferrari away?”

Connor shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. The driver must have removed the wrap from the trailer shortly after leaving Munro’s neighborhood. He may have even changed the truck he was using to haul it. There are a number of trailers in the local street cams, but none are being pulled by the Ford we saw in Ace Diamond’s camera feed. We’ve effectively lost the trail.”

“Marshall and Ashton went out to interview the guard at the neighborhood entrance,” Navarro went on. “It was our second attempt. The guard wasn’t home, so we can’t get his description of the trailer’s driver. They’ll try again later.”

Kit frowned. “Shelley was a loose end, and now she and hermom are dead. How do we know this guy hasn’t killed Munro’s gate guard?”

“We don’t,” Navarro said grimly. “We’ve put out a BOLO on him as a person of interest and Marshall and Ashton are following up with his friends and family, trying to find him.”

“I don’t think we’re going to get the killer’s description out of him,” Connor said.

Kit didn’t think so, either.Dammit.

They were all quiet for a long moment, and then Joel broke the silence.

“What are the next steps after talking to Fitzgerald?” Joel asked. “Assuming you don’t get anything out of her, I mean.”

“We’re going to cycle back to Mrs.Munro,” Kit said. “We have a number of unanswered questions about Munro’s finances. We know he was spending a lot of money, but other than the Ferrari, we don’t know the other big-ticket items he was spending it on. We have tons of data to wade through, although Marshall and Ashton are handling a lot of that. We have Alicia Batra’s theory that it was more than one person, so that could either be people he was blackmailing or people he’d screwed over in business or politics.”

“So you really don’t know,” Joel said.

Kit shook her head. “We really don’t. We need to follow up on the credible threats he received and get alibis for those suspects so we can at least cross them off the list.”

“We know that Wilhelmina knew Munro was dirty, but couldn’t find the proof,” Connor said.

“Or that’s what she claimed,” Kit murmured. “We know that Munro’s killer also killed Shelley Porter and her mother Carol, but no one saw anyone go into the house that night. We need to recanvass the neighborhood and ask again. Someone had to have seen something.”