Then her eyes widened and she sat up so fast that the seat belt engaged and she was thrown back into the seat. “What?”
Sam chuckled. “Let me help.” He reached over her and popped the seat belt latch. “You fell asleep. Connor brought you home.”
She drew a breath, the frown returning, and suddenly she was his Kit again, prickly and a little bit dangerous. And what did that say about him that he liked prickly and dangerous?
“That little shit,” she muttered. “He made it so that someonewill have to drive me in tomorrow morning and he knows I won’t make Pop take me in as early as I’d go in myself.”
Sam laughed. “I think you’re rubbing off on Connor. He’s gotten sneaky.”
Kit’s eyes narrowed but then she laughed, too. “I guess I’m a good teacher. What’re you doing here?”
But it wasn’t said with any ire. Just mild curiosity.
“Your folks had invited Georgia and Eloise for dinner. I was dragged in their wake.”
“What was for dinner?”
He held out his hand. “Come and find out. I bet your mom has already made you a plate.”
“Sucker bet.” She took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. “I guess I was more tired than I thought.” She took one look at the shotgun in Harlan’s hand and her eyes widened once more. “Why does Pop have a gun?”
“Christopher Drummond’s threats against Rita. We didn’t recognize the car.”
Kit scowled. “That motherfucker. Thinks he can scare a little girl out of testifying against him in court. I want to smash his face in.”
“I want to help you.”
She closed her eyes on an exhale and when she opened them up, she was calm and collected once again. “Hey, Connor.”
Connor stopped talking to Harlan and slowly turned to face her, the sudden fear on his face a thing of beauty.
Sam waited for Kit to flay Connor alive with her sharp tongue, but instead she smiled sweetly.
Connor took a step back. “You were tired.”
“Oh, I know. And I’ll be sure to repay your kindness someday.”
Connor frowned. “I don’t know if that’s thanks or a threat.”
Harlan’s laugh boomed in the night. “The second one, son. Definitely the second one.”
“That’s what I thought,” Connor said with a sigh. “Just…leave me pretty, okay? CeCe likes my face.”
Kit chuckled. “Okay. Go home, Connor. I’ll see you in the office tomorrow. Eight sharp. I’ll catch a ride in with Pop.” She linked her arm through Harlan’s and gestured for Sam to follow them into the house. “Is the shotgun loaded?”
“Yep. Never know when I’ll have to shoot a snake.”
Kit sighed. “Don’t shoot unless your life’s in danger, okay? There are some things I can’t clean up.”
“Understood.” Harlan dropped a kiss on Kit’s head.
She leaned into him. “Go on in. I need to talk to Sam about some interviews.”
Harlan’s chuckle was a little wicked. “Is that what the kids are calling it now?”
“Pop! I’m serious. Jeez.” Flustered, Kit shooed her father into the house. “Sorry about that,” she said to Sam.
“I’m not,” he answered, and he could see her blush in the porch lights.