Page 4 of Dead Man's List

Kit had gotten the case reopened, recusing herself because of her relationship with Rita. Connor Robinson had investigated the case and made the arrest. And, while it was not a slam dunk, the prosecutor was confident he could get a conviction.

But Rita would have to testify. And Christopher Drummond would be there, staring at her.

The worst part was that Drummond had sexually assaultedRita as well. None of the family knew the details, and Rita wouldn’t talk about it. They knew only that it had been one of the times her mother had brought Rita to work with her, cleaning Drummond’s house. Rita had refused to press charges and they’d respected her decision. But that assault had to be dealt with at some point.

Rita’s apprehension about Drummond’s trial made perfect sense.

“I’m scared,” Rita confessed. “What if he gets off, Kit? What if he goes free?”

“Joel isn’t going to let that happen.” Joel Haley was the prosecutor, a friend of Kit’s, and Sam’s best friend. He knew what he was doing in a courtroom.

“You can’t promise that,” Rita said, staring at their feet.

“You’re right. I can’t. But I can promise Joel will do everything in his power to see Drummond put in a prison cell for the rest of his life.”

Rita lifted her gaze to Kit’s, her fear clear to see. “If he goes free, he’ll come after me. I’m the one who accused him. Even if I didn’t press charges on the…on the other thing.”

Kit’s jaw tightened, fury burning in her chest. “He may try, but to get to you he will have to go through me. And Mom and Pop and every single McKittrick. And we are formidable.”

Rita smiled, but it was forced. “We are.”

“I’ll be with you in the courtroom. Mom and Pop, too.”

“Promise?” Rita asked, sounding like a very young child.

“I promise. I’ve already told my boss, and he knows I’m taking vacation days for the trial.”

Rita’s eyes widened. “You’re takingvacation? You never take vacation.”

“I am this time.” Kit booped Rita’s nose. “For you.”

Rita’s eyes filled with tears. “I do love you,” she whispered.

Kit couldn’t stop her own tears. The words were hard to say back, even though she felt them keenly. She’d only just learned to tell Harlan and Betsy that she loved them. But Rita needed the words.

“And I love you. I will keep you safe, Rita. Always.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“You never have to thank me,” Kit said fiercely. “You deserve to be protected.”

“Because you couldn’t protect Wren?”

Kit flinched, because Rita was right once again. Kit’s sister Wren had been murdered when they were only fifteen, and Kit had never recovered. They’d never found the doer, either. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing Wren’s killer was out there somewhere, walking free.

Kit didn’t want Rita to live her life knowing that the monster who’d assaulted her and who’d killed her mother hadn’t paid for his crime.

“Partly because of Wren,” Kit admitted. “But mostly because of you. You are good and kind and you deserve the best life. A safe life.”

Rita smiled, and this time it was real. “You really do love me.”

Kit rested her forehead on Rita’s. “Even when you’re a brat who’s wise beyond her years.”

“Thank you.” Rita straightened. “We should get back in there. There won’t be any food left.” She rose and pointed a finger at Kit. “Tomorrow. You and Snickerdoodle are meeting Sam and Siggy.”

“Dogs and desert,” Kit said dutifully. “I promised. I won’t back out.”

Sam loved the desert, and Kit let herself remember that she’d wanted to know why. She let herself remember that Sam was good and kind and deserved a fun date.