Page 10 of Dead Man's List

Don’t assign me this case. Please.

“I’d bet a week’s pay that it’s not the only body hidden in the park,” Kit told her partner.

Sam made a pained sound, and Kit patted his hand. “You okay?”

“No,” Sam grumbled. “Day’s ruined. Date’s ruined. And I’m never going to get the sight of his face out of my mind.”

Connor made a sympathetic face. “That sucks, man. Sorry your date was ruined.”

Sam made another grumbling sound that was cuter than it should have been.

“We’ll have another date,” Kit promised. “A no-dead-body date. I promise.”

“Okay.” But he still frowned, and Kit felt bad for him.

Munro’s body really had been a gruesome sight, and Sam had handled it better than a lot of people would have. She knew that he’d seen bodies before, but Munro’s was…extreme.

Even for me.

“What are you doing here today anyway?” Kit asked Connor. “It’s Saturday. Did we catch another case?”

“No. I heard about the body and that it was discovered by an SDPD cop. I knew you’d headed up that way so I wanted to find out if you were the ones who’d found it.”

It was Kit’s turn to frown. “How did you hear about the body?”

Connor grinned. “Baz called me. He’d heard it through the station’s grapevine. I have to say I’m miffed that you didn’t at least text me.”

Kit rolled her eyes. “Baz has been surgically grafted to the grapevine, I think.” Her former partner had retired after having a heart attack nine months before. She missed him terribly, but she and Connor had found their stride together. “And I didn’t text you because you were supposed to be with CeCe today.”

“Her mom twisted her knee and CeCe took her to the doctor.” He shrugged. “So I came in. Oh, sorry, sir.” He abruptly moved to one side of the doorway, making room for Navarro, who looked unhappy. “See you later.”

“No,” Navarro said. “You stay.”

Connor winced, and Kit had to swallow a groan. If Connor was staying, it meant they’d be working Munro’s murder investigation.

Which sucked, because this was going to be a bitch of a case. The suspect list was already a mile long. His constituents seemed to love him, but few people in law enforcement liked Brooks Munro. In fact, too many people hated his guts.

Navarro pointed to her and Sam. “You two. It’s always you two.”

Kit bristled. “Sir?”

Sam’s mouth fell open. “I beg your pardon?”

“Trouble just seems to find you,” Navarro muttered, sitting down at his desk. “And you can’t even deny it.”

Sam sighed. “No, I guess I can’t, but it’s not like we found thebody on purpose. It spoiled our entire day. And my appetite for the next week.”

Navarro’s lips twitched. “It was pretty bad.” He shifted his attention to his computer. “Good initial report, Kit. All the particulars are here. Brooks Munro, age fifty-one, city councilman. Was last seen alive on Wednesday by his office administrator. He didn’t show up to work on Thursday, didn’t return his wife’s calls. Wife, who was out of town, requested a wellness check. Cops found blood on his garage floor. Car was missing.” He looked up, brows lifted. “It wasn’t just a car, Kit. It was a goddamned Ferrari. Do we have footage from his home security cameras?”

She shook her head. “Not yet. I figured the lead detectives would request it.”Please don’t make us leads.

Navarro just looked at her. “Request the footage, Kit.”

Dammit.She sighed, and Connor slumped in his chair. “Fine,” she muttered.

Navarro cleared his throat, and both Kit and Connor straightened.

“I mean, yes, sir,” she said. “Of course, sir.”