“We will. I’ll call Pop and then we’ll get started.” She looked through the window in Navarro’s office door. “Connor’s here, so we can get the party started. Is this something we can share with Marshall and Ashton? I’d like to get all hands on deck.”
Navarro fully smiled then. “Look at you, being all cooperative.” He faked wiping a tear from his eye. “My little detective, all grown up.”
Kit huffed a laugh, then grew serious. “Thank you for telling me, sir. We will figure this out.”
She left, making sure to take her cupcake with her.
Chapter Twelve
San Diego PD, San Diego, California
Wednesday, January 11, 8:20 a.m.
Connor’s expression was concerned when she sat at her desk. He rolled his chair closer. “You okay?”
“Not really.” She told him what Navarro had shared, gratified when his face reddened with fury.
“Sonofabitch. That was a righteous collar. Drummond needs to rot in prison for the rest of his fuckin’ life. And now he’s trying to weasel out of it? We can’t let him do that to Rita.”
Connor and his now-retired former partner had investigated Drummond for murder and made the arrest. He had a right to be angry.
He didn’t even know about Drummond sexually assaulting Rita. The only other people outside the family who knew, other than Rita’s therapist, were Sam and Navarro.
Sam had also respected Rita’s decision.
Kit wasn’t sure if Navarro even remembered Rita’s quietlyspoken words about her assault by Drummond. It had been a confusing, terrifying scene the night Rita had been saved from a different monster, a serial killer who’d gone after Rita simply to hurt Kit. Navarro had been in shock that night and had taken leave soon after. That had been nine months ago and all of them had been picking up the pieces of their lives.
Rita included.
Which is why Drummond needs to be put away forever.
Kit forced herself to focus. “Let’s figure out how Drummond could have learned of Munro’s crimes, assuming that’s what he wants to sell us in return for his freedom.”
Connor frowned. “What if Drummond knows about crimes we haven’t uncovered yet?”
“I don’t know,” Kit admitted. “But this calls for a brainstorming session.” She waved over Marshall and Ashton. “Hey, guys?”
The two detectives were just as angry when Kit told them about Drummond, and even angrier when she explained that the man had already tried to intimidate poor Rita out of testifying.
“Let’s go back to the whiteboard,” Marshall said. “We don’t know much about Drummond, but we gathered a lot of information on Munro that hasn’t been important up till now. Let’s see if any of it can help.”
They filed to the conference room, Kit hesitating at the door. “I need to call my father. You guys go on in and get started. I’ll join you in a few.”
Connor squeezed her shoulder. “Let me know if you need extra security at the farm. I know a few people.”
“I will. Thank you.” She waited until she was alone in the hall before dialing her father’s number. She thought she’d haveto leave a message when the phone rang and rang, but he finally picked up.
“Kit?” His voice sounded hollow and there was a cacophony of barking dogs in the background. He’d gone to the shelter to pick up their new dog.
She’d hoped she could catch him at home, but this would have to do.
“Can you go somewhere quiet, Pop? This is important and I need you to hear me.”
“Give me a minute.” The barking dogs gradually quieted until they were replaced with the sounds of traffic. He’d gone outside. “What is it, Kit?”
“Okay, so I need you to be calm.”
“I’m always calm.”