Page 86 of Dead Man's List

“He did,” Rita said. “I’ll show you both later.”

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just don’t use your knowledge for evil, okay?”

“I won’t,” Rita promised. “The only thing Pop McK keeps locked up is his shotgun. I don’t want to even touch it.”

Both Tiffany and Emma shuddered in agreement.

“Are you the new volunteers Miss Sunley mentioned to me?”

Tiffany nodded. “We are. We wanted to earn community service credits for graduation. Rita figured we’d work here and give back.”

Sam’s chest warmed. He’d met Rita through the McKittricks as she’d just been placed with them when he’d met Kit back in the spring. Tiffany and Emma had been runaways Sam had discovered on a street corner downtown. That they were all planning for high school graduation made his heart happy.

“I think that’s amazing. You girls make me so proud of you.”

“Awwww,” the three chorused in unison. “Thank you, Dr.Sam.”

He laughed. “Go on now. Dinner isn’t going to serve itself. Who brought you down here?”

“Pop,” Rita said. “He’s whittling in the common room. Hehad a bunch of kids gathered around him to watch.” She smiled slyly. “He’s making something for you.”

More warmth bloomed in Sam’s chest. He’d already had one Harlan McKittrick carving—of Siggy. He couldn’t wait to see what Harlan carved next.

But both Tiffany and Emma had turned to shush Rita. “That was supposed to be a secret,” Emma hissed.

Rita looked crestfallen. “It was? I’m sorry, Dr.Sam.”

Sam could only smile affectionately at the three of them. “I’m old, girls. I’ll have forgotten about it before you’re halfway to the kitchen.”

“You’re not that old,” Tiffany said pragmatically. “Like, maybe forty?”

Sam winced. “Ouch. I’m only thirty-six. Go on before you decide I’m ready for retirement.”

They left as they’d come in, giggling.

Sam hoped he’d hear them laugh for a very long time.

He’d settled in to read the new rules once again when his cell phone buzzed. Sighing, he checked the caller ID and was once again alert. “Maggie Doyle,” he said once he’d hitaccept. “How are you?”

The rehab director didn’t waste time on pleasantries. “I’ve got the footage from our security cameras from the day LeRoy Hawkins visited Shelley Porter. Who should I send it to?”

“Kit McKittrick or Connor Robinson. They’re the lead detectives. Did you get a clear view of his face?”

“Not clear. Now that I’m looking at the recording, I can see that his beard isn’t real, but I didn’t notice that when he came in that day. It’s a thick beard, designed to make you notice it and not his face. I hope it helps.”

“I hope it does, too,” Sam said. “Thank you, Maggie.”

“You’re always welcome. Gotta run. Don’t be a stranger.”

With a sigh, he gave up on looking at the new rules and called Kit.

“Are you all right?” was her first question, before she even said hello.

“I’m fine. At New Horizons. Heads up, the director from Shelley’s rehab, Maggie Doyle, is sending you security footage from when the neckbeard guy came to see Shelley.”

“Excellent. It’ll give us something to do while we wait for Joel and Laura to hammer out a plea agreement for the pilot.”

Sam winced. “Laura?”