Page 63 of Dead Man's List

They found the uniforms who’d followed her waiting for them. “She went up just a few minutes ago,” one of them said. “Her apartment is on the tenth floor and faces the water.”

Away from them, then. That was good. She wouldn’t be able to see them gathered and talking.

“How many exits?” Connor asked.

“Two,” the second uniform replied. “This one and the emergency exit in back. Two more cops are guarding that door.”

Connor gave the men a nod. “Thank you.”

Kit echoed her thanks as she and Connor walked to the elevator. “This could be messy if she won’t comply,” she said when the doors closed and the elevator started its ascent.

“You wearing a vest?” Connor asked.

“Yep. You?”

“Yeah,” he muttered. “CeCe made me promise to always wear one.”

“CeCe cares about you. Veronica doesn’t own a registered gun, but that doesn’t mean she won’t have one. If Tasker is right, she’s every bit as dangerous as Munro was.”

When the elevator doors opened, they immediately heard Veronica’s voice through her door. It was muted, but shrill and panicked enough that it carried.

“I don’t care. You meet me at the field. Twenty minutes,” shesaid. “I’ve spent hours making all the arrangements. All you have to do is bring your passport and fly the damn plane.”

Kit texted Navarro.She’s talking about taking a small plane out of the country. Told the pilot to meet her at the field in 20 min. She hasn’t been in her apt long. Can’t have packed much.

Traveling lite makes sense when u r fleeingcame the reply.Bring her in in cuffs if you have to. Contact me when it’s done. Has the warrant arrived?

As if on cue, the other elevator’s door slid open and a uniformed officer stepped out, a short stack of papers in his hand. Kit pressed her finger to her lips, then pointed at the door. Understanding, the officer silently gave her three copies of the search warrant.

“Is your body cam on?” she asked in a barely audible whisper, and he nodded.Please stay here, she mouthed.

Just got the warrant, Kit texted to Navarro.Thx boss.

Kit looked at Connor.Now we wait, she mouthed.

They didn’t have to wait long. The door to Veronica’s apartment opened and she stumbled back with a gasp, her eyes widening at the sight of Kit and Connor. She had a large shoulder bag and a backpack.

“What is the meaning of this?” Veronica demanded.

Kit held up a copy of the warrant. “We have a warrant to search your bags.”

Veronica’s mouth dropped open in shock. She took another step back, almost into her apartment. “No! These are my private bags. You have no right.”

Kit snatched the shoulder bag and yanked, causing the woman to stumble forward. Connor took the backpack.

Veronica’s chin lifted. “I know my rights. I demand to read the warrant.”

Kit gave her a copy and, pulling on disposable gloves,proceeded to search her bag. “Who is the pilot?” she asked conversationally.

Veronica’s lips tightened and she said nothing.

Kit wasn’t surprised. The woman did know her rights, after all. Kit found two cell phones and held the more generic-looking one up to Veronica’s face before she could shut her eyes.

“You can’t do that!” Veronica shouted. “I’m calling my attorney.”

“Go ahead,” Connor said. “You’ll get one phone call. Probably not on your cell phone, though. Depends on what we find.”

“She called an Uber,” Kit said, swiping through the open apps on the phone, which was probably a burner. The other phone’s case was decorated with glittering green shamrocks—probably her personal cell. Kit would look through it in a few minutes. “And she made reservations at a hotel in Mexico City for tonight.” Proceeding with her search, Kit pulled out an unregistered handgun. “Ohmy. This is not good, Veronica.”