“No. We weren’t…it wasn’t like that.”
“That’s not what I heard,” Kit said. “I heard that you were his date to many country club events. That you danced cheek to cheek. Very cozy.”
Veronica’s cheeks darkened. “Those people are gossips. Yes, I attended because his wife couldn’t be bothered to. We went as friends. Nothing more.”
Kit wondered if Veronica really believed that Wilhelmina couldn’t be bothered, or if that was the line that Munro had fed her.
“Well, that’s good,” Kit said, waiting until Veronica relaxed a fraction. “Because the country club set said you were far too trashy a date. That you couldn’t hope to match his social status.”
Veronica’s jaw tightened. “I don’t care what the gossips say.”
“Well, that’s good,” Kit said again. “Because they say that Munro was about to be thrown out. Nonrenewed, I think the term was. Connor?”
“Nonrenewed is fine,” he said mildly.
Veronica’s chest rose and fell more quickly. “Not true. As long as he paid them money, they were fine with him.”
“There are rules of conduct,” Connor said with a shrug. “Munro didn’t follow them. Rumor has it that he was going to be asked to leave quietly. And if he didn’t, they’d revoke his membership and instruct security to make sure he didn’t return.”
Veronica’s eyes narrowed. “You’re lying.”
Of course they were. But the woman believed them. Kit could see it in her expression.
Kit shrugged. “Just telling it to you like it was told to us. Munro was not well liked anywhere. His constituents hated him, his social set barely tolerated him, and his rich wife was going to divorce him. And you still haven’t answered how he was able to afford his lifestyle on the small allowance his wife paid him.”
“I wasn’t involved in any of Mr.Munro’s outside endeavors,” Veronica snapped. “If he had plans for after his council term was ended, I didn’t know about them.”
Sam spoke up quietly. “I thought you said he was going to see the world.” He paused, his voice so kind. “It was going to be with you, wasn’t it?”
Veronica’s eyes filled with tears. “I have work to do. Please leave.”
Kit gestured back to the chair when Sam started to rise. “We’ll leave when the interview is finished, Dr.Reeves.” He stilled. The command left her feeling…unsettled inside. She didn’t dislike playing bad cop, but she didn’t want Sam to witness it. “Miss Fitzgerald, you were his closest colleague for fifteen years. I think you were romantically involved. I’d think you’d want us to find out who stabbed him twenty-five times, chopped off his fingers and toes, and left his body in the desert to be eaten by animals.”
Veronica had paled. “What?” she whispered.
Kit had her now. “Yes. He was tortured, his body mutilated. Someone had to have hated him a great deal to inflict so much damage. And pain, ma’am. He was alive for most of it, if not all of it. I’d think that you—as his trusted colleague and likely romantic partner—would want us to find those responsible and put them in prison for the rest of their lives.”
Tears leaked from Veronica’s eyes, streaking her makeup. “Thoseresponsible?Theirlives?”
“Our medical examiner has theorized that he was stabbed by multiple hands. If you know anything, this is the time to tell us.” Kit softened her tone, just a fraction, hoping to set the hook. “We need your help.”
Veronica shook her head, the movement jerky. “I don’t know anything. Please leave.”
Kit stood. “We’ll be back. You know something and wewillfind out what that is.”
With a shaking hand, Veronica wrote a single name on a notepad and ripped the paper free. “My attorney. All further communications should go through him.”
Kit took the paper and nodded. “As you wish. Gentlemen? We’ll see ourselves out.”
Kit left the woman’s office, followed by Connor and Sam. Kit didn’t look at Sam. Didn’t want to see the censure in his eyes. The disappointment. Because he was good and kind.
And I am not.
Veronica closed the door sharply, quieter than a slam but the sentiment was the same.
When Sam and Connor started for the stairs, Kit held up a hand, beckoning them to return. Holding a finger to her lips, she cocked her head toward the door.
From within Veronica’s office came the sounds of retching and a single, brutal sob that was immediately silenced.