Veronica’s eyes hardened. “He had a rich wife.”
Ooh. Ouch.Veronica did not like the rich wife at all.
“She had him on an allowance,” Connor said with a faux-awkward smile. “I can’t imagine he liked that too much.”
Veronica turned her glare on Connor. “I wouldn’t know.”
Oh, I think you do.Kit made a point of scrolling through her notes. “You two were…togetherfor fifteen years. Is that correct?”
Veronica’s eyes flashed in anger. “He was my employer, yes.”
“And you followed him to the city council from his earlier business endeavor,” Kit pressed.
“I did.”
“So you know his business associates from at least the past fifteen years.”
Veronica smiled coldly. “Frombeforehis tenure on the council, yes.”
“May we have a list of those associates?” Kit asked.
Veronica blinked. “You want his old client list?”
“I do,” Kit said evenly. “He was going to be out of office in a year due to term limits. Surely, he had to be planning for what came next. Especially as his rich wife was going to divorce him.”
Veronica’s eyes flashed again, but this time in what appeared to be pain. “I think it would have been far easier for her to kill him, don’t you agree, Detective?”
“I don’t know,” Kit said honestly. “Do you think she killed him?”
“She had motive,” Veronica said bitterly. “She certainly had the means.”
Kit stared the woman in the eye. “She has an alibi.”
“She could have hired someone to do it.”
“We’re keeping all avenues of investigation open,” Kit said. “Which is why we are asking for his business associates.”
“No one else hated him,” Veronica said, her expression daring Kit to disagree.
“Oh,” Connor said softly, “I think a great many people hated him. He got all kinds of hate mail. As his admin, I’m sure you knew this.”
“Many of his constituents had complaints, but he was a stellar councilman. He worked tirelessly for his district.”
“Maybe you could give us your copies of the constituent complaints?” Connor asked, even though they’d already taken Munro’s file of complaints from his home office on Saturday night. “It would help us find out who killed him.”
“Absolutely.” She pulled a key from her pocket and rose to open a five-drawer filing cabinet in the corner of the office. She withdrew a large file folder and quickly relocked the drawer. “Here you are, Detective.”
“And now the list of business associates,” Kit said with a note of impatience.
Veronica sat at her desk, glaring at Kit once again. “I told you that there are no business associates.”
“What were his plans for next year?” Kit asked. “After his term was over?”
Veronica swallowed. “He was going to see the world.”
That was an unexpected reply and one that seemed to cause Veronica pain.
Kit tilted her head. “With you?”