Page 152 of Dead Man's List

“Yeah?” The girl tried not to look interested, but there was a gleam in her eye.

“Yeah. So, there’s this guy who we’re looking for. He’s got a neckbeard, just like you saw.”

“Lots of dudes have neckbeards,” the girl said dismissively.

“True, and the guy you saw may have no relation to the guy I’m looking for. But…what if he does? What if you could help us crack a case?”

The girl tilted her head, watching him. “What do I have to do?”

“Can you describe him for me?”

She sighed long-sufferingly. “He has a neckbeard.”

“I got that part. Is he tall, short? Fat or thin? Did he have tattoos?”

The girl’s face crunched as she considered. “He was totally average.”

Sam’s flicker of hope grew. “How did he sound?”

“Deep voice. Like…” She pursed her lips. “Almost like Darth Vader but without the…you know.” She exaggerated breathing in and out.

“Oh, oh,” one of the other girls said. “Like Simba’s father inThe Lion King. That was the same actor.”

“Yeah,” the first girl grudgingly agreed. “Like that.”

“James Earl Jones,” a third girl said. “That’s the actor’s name.”

“Then that’s what he sounded like,” the first girl said.

“Can you tell me your name?” Sam asked. “Doesn’t have to be a real one. But it would be nice if it were.”

“Why?” The girl went back to being suspicious.

Emma giggled. “The night we met Dr.Sam and Kit—that’s his girlfriend—Tiffany thought they were sus. She said our names were Jane and Janey.”

The first girl guffawed, then slapped a hand over her mouth, looking appalled that she’d laughed.

Sam’s lips twitched, both from the memory and the thought of Kit’s face if she’d heard Emma calling her Sam’s girlfriend. If Sam had his way, that would be true, but Kit wasn’t ready forthat step yet. “It took Tiffany a bit of time to trust me with their real names. I had a feeling they weren’t really Jane and Janey.”

“Dawn,” the first girl said. “I’m Dawn.”

Sam smiled at her. “Hi, Dawn. I appreciate you talking to me.”

Dawn shrugged as if Sam’s appreciation meant nothing, but she was standing a little taller than she had before. “Whatever.”

“So this guy is average, but his voice is deep. Any tats?”

“Didn’t see any.”


“He had two.”

Sam let himself laugh at that. “Good for him.”

Dawn’s lips curved, just a little. Then she scowled some more. Kit would like this girl, Sam thought.

“He has a rash, I think,” one of the other girls offered. “I’m Amy,” she added shyly.