Page 151 of Dead Man's List

Sam realized he was holding his breath. Quietly he exhaled. “Yes. That’s what it’s called.”

“She said not to go with him. That girls go with him and they don’t come back. It’s probably nothing and I’m probably being stupid, but…”

“You are not stupid,” Sam said firmly. “You are so smart. And like I said, you see things we don’t see. And hear things, too. When did she tell you this?”

“It wasn’t me personally. She said it to a group and I was there. But it was just now. Like five minutes ago. The neckbeard thing caught my attention.”

“See? You’re observant. Can I talk to this girl?”

Emma’s sigh didn’t bode well. “She’s here, but she’s twitchy.”

“Like on drugs?”

“Maybe, but I don’t think so. More like she’s so used to being watchful that she can’t stop. More than the rest of us. I wish she could come home with me, but Mom and Pop McK are full up.”

“Like I said, you are smart and empathetic. A lot of kids who’ve been on the street like you were would only be thinking of themselves. You’re looking out for others.”

Her smile became a little brighter. “Kit looks out for other people, too. She was like me, once.”

Another Kit worshipper.They all saw Kit as a superwoman. And they were right. “She was like you.” He remembered what Kit had shared with Connor, about the foster father she’d had to stab with his own letter opener because he’d planned to assault her. “She had Harlan and Betsy to guide her. Just like you do.”

“And you,” Emma said loyally. “You’re the reason Tiff and I are safe now.”

That made him warm inside. “You just made my day, Em. Let’s see if this girl can give us any information on Mr.Neckbeard, and maybe we can make Kit’s day.”

Emma was on her feet in a second. “She’s in the common room.”

“If she doesn’t want to talk to me, we aren’t going to force her to,” Sam warned.

“I know. But maybe she will.”

Sam followed Emma into the New Horizons common room, a cozy space with murals on the walls painted by the teens. There was a TV with video games, a small library, and an areafor arts and crafts. Sam was always surprised at how many teens he found painting or drawing in the craft corner.

This room was the heart of New Horizons.

The teens watched as Sam entered. He knew most of them, but there were a few girls in the conversation pit who he didn’t recognize.

One of them, a sharp-edged girl of about sixteen, rose slowly when she saw them coming. “You narced on us,” she hissed to Emma.

For a moment Emma cowered, but then she held herself tall. “I did not. That’s not why he’s here.”

The girl crossed her arms over her chest in a gesture of defiance, but Sam saw the scared kid beneath. “I’m Dr.Reeves, but everyone calls me Dr.Sam.”

“The shrink,” the girl said, clearly unimpressed.

“Guilty as charged,” Sam said lightly. “I’m not here to get anyone in trouble. I’m hoping you can help me.”

“How?” the girl said, tensed in suspicion.

“Emma heard you warn the other girls about a guy with a neckbeard.”

The girl gave Emma a narrow-eyed sneer. “You did narc.”

Sam held up his hands. “No, Emma was helping me with a case I’m working on.”

The girl’s sneer softened to a scowl. “What case? Are you acop?” She said the word like others might say “serial killer.”

“No, but I work with cops. I’m a police psychologist. Some people call me a profiler.”