Page 104 of Dead Man's List

He was not always calm. Not when it came to the safety of his children. This she knew from experience.

“Christopher Drummond called the DA’s office. He claims to have information on Brooks Munro and wants all charges dropped in exchange.”

Harlan drew a deep breath, then let it out. “You won’t let that happen.” The surety in his tone made Kit’s chest grow tight with a combination of gratitude and anxiety.

Her father believed in her. But that was so much responsibility.

“I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that man goes to prison forever. But for the moment, he’s out on bail and can say and do what he pleases. We need to let Rita know, but I don’t want her to be afraid.”

“She’s gonna be afraid, Kit.”

“I know. I hate it, but I know. I don’t want her to hear about this from anyone but us. Can you go to her? Tell her in person?”

“Of course I will. Has Drummond done a press conference or anything? Will it be online?”

“To my knowledge he has not.”

“Then I have enough time to sign the papers for the dog.”

That made Kit smile. “I think you do. Thanks for getting them a dog, Pop.”

“He’s a sweet thing. Giant schnauzer mixed with mastiff.”

Kit blinked. “Whoa. That’s a big boy.”

“He will be. He’s still young, but he has paws the size of dinner plates. Come by when you can and meet him. I brought Snickerdoodle with me today, and they get along like gangbusters.”

Well, that was a relief. “Does he have a name?”

“Well, his former owners called him Killer, but I think the girls will want to rename him.”

“I should think so. Be careful, Pop. Love you.”

“Love you too, Kitty-Cat. See you later.”

“If Rita needs me, I’ll take off and come home.”

“I know you will. I’ll get the dog and then I’ll take Rita out of school, just for today. Bye, honey.”

Kit slid her phone back into her pocket. At least Rita’s new dog would inspire confidence.

The three men looked up when she came in.

“Well?” Connor asked. “What did your father say?”

“Pop’s going to take her out of school to tell her. He’s just picking up their newgiganticdog from the shelter, so hopefully that will help soothe some of her fear.” She sat next to Connor and began to scan all the papers on the table. “Where are we?”

“We’ve got all the background on Munro that Marshall and Ashton pulled together.” Connor nodded to the two detectives on the other side of the table. “There’s a lot of information here.I pulled up my report on the Christopher Drummond investigation.”

“So we cross-reference Munro’s life against Drummond’s and see where they intersect.” She pointed to the papers on the table. “May I?”

“Of course,” Marshall said. “We gathered so much information, we’re having trouble seeing the forest for the trees, if you know what I mean.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” Kit began sorting the pages into piles. “We have Munro’s personal life—Wilhelmina, his house, his missing Ferrari, his lawyer, his doctor, his accountant. We should definitely talk to his accountant. We need a warrant for Munro’s books.” She put those pages aside. “And this pile can be his council life—the threatening emails and his donor list.” She stopped to review the names of the donors to Munro’s campaign fund. “Do we know who any of these people are? I only recognize a name or two.”

Connor took the page from her hands. “I know about ten of them. They’re all members of the country club where my folks have a membership.”

Kit looked over his arm to the list of names. “Is Drummond on there?”