Page 71 of Enraged

“She tried to convince me to let her stay.”


I waited patiently for him to explain.

“When I got home,” he began, “she didn’t have on anything except a silk robe… which she dropped…and, yeah.”

And…yeah? And, yeah what?

“Oh, shit.”

“Yeah.” He stood up. “I’m gonna go grab your stuff outta the truck.”

I was irritated for reasons I couldn’t explain.

After all this, he slept with her because she was wearin’ nothin’ but a robe?

I knew the robe he was referring to. I was with her when she bought it.

“I can come help.” I pulled back my covers. “Just let me get on some pants.”

I stood up wearing only a huge T-shirt and a pair of panties.

“No, I’ll get it. You stay here.” he ordered, never taking is eyes off the bedroom door.

He didn’t even look at me when I said I didn’t have on pants.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “I don’t mind helping.”

He waved me off. “I’ll be back.”

Within seconds, I heard him clopping down the staircase.

“Why is he actin’ completely different than he was actin’ in the mountains?” I said softly to myself.

And why is it bothering me so much?


I stepped out the Felder’s front door to find Mr. Brett taping a trash bag to my driver’s window.

“Looks like you had an interesting time today, son,” he remarked.

“Yes, sir.”

He shook his head. “Listen, Dakota,” he started, “I wanted to beat his ass, too, but ain’t worth you losin’ everything you’ve built for yourself down at the station.”

Mr. Brett very rarely called me by my first name, usually only when he’s really saying something he wanted me to really hear.

“I know you’re right,” I admitted. “I just want to make him feel all the pain he’s caused her.”

He finished taping the window. “Trust me, I get it. That’s my baby girl,” he spoke fondly.” But I learned a long time ago that karma will take care of those that fuck you over and if you’re lucky, you’ll be around to watch.”

I’m a lot quicker than karma, Mr. B.

“Yes, sir. Thank you… for the window and the advice.”

He slapped me on the shoulder. “You’re a good fella, Dak. Don’t stop bein’ that way because of somebody else.”