“Yes, girl!”
Damn, I’ve missed gossiping with my Mama.
“What happened, then?”
“Dakota and I went inside, and it was Jace and Cassie.”
“And!?” she prompted.
“And nothin’ really. Jace insisted on talkin’ to me, but Dak told him if he came near me, he would take him to a place that made hell seem like a happy place.”
Her eyes widened. “Ya know, I’m not even surprised. Dakota knocked the fire outta him at the church.”
I nodded. “He was tellin’ me about that.”
She rubbed her temples. “I was so focused on makin’ sure your daddy didn’t hit him that it never even occurred to me that Dak might deck him.”
I curled up with my pillow. “What happened after I left the church?” She kicked back next to me. “After you ran out, I went to get your daddy because I thought you might need a ride. I knew you had ridden to the church with me. By the time I explained to him what was happening, you were gone.”
I giggled. “I saw that Jace had driven my car instead of his truck. Once I realized the keys were still in, I hauled tail.”
“I know!” She laughed. “After Dak found out and knocked Jace on his behind, your daddy and I went into the sanctuary to explain that the wedding wouldn’t be happening that day and thanked everyone for comin’.”
“That day or any other day,” I muttered. She smiled sympathetically. “Your daddy and I didn’t know what you would decide to do in the future.”
“Y’all thought I might stay with him?”” I asked incredulously.
“We didn’t know, sugar. Your daddy was hellbent against it, but you make your own decisions.”
I stared at my childhood bedroom ceiling.
Clearly, I make poor decisions.
“I just feel so silly, Mama.”
She stroked my hair.
“I feel like I was too stupid to see the signs. Hell, I still can’t see the signs and I have been wrackin’ my brain for days now tryin’ to see them.”
“Oh, honey, you wouldn’t have been able to see the signs because you never expected to find them in two of the people you loved most in the world.”
The tears I had been fighting back for days finally gave up.
Allowing myself to finally feel the pain, I curled up in my Mama’s arms and cried for the little girl that knew she didn’t deserve this.
What the fuck is she doin’ here?
Cassie’s Ford Escape sat parked in my garage as if it were a week ago and she was actually supposed to be here.
I grabbed my keys and my phone.
I need to clean up this glass.
After closing the garage door, I walked in the side door. I was already pissed off about what happened at Jace’s house and even more annoyed now that I have to deal with her.
“Cassie!” I bellowed, my voice echoing off the hardwood floors. She walked out on the second-floor balcony wearing a black robe. “Dakota! You’re home!”