“If they loved each other,” he began, “I mean, really loved each other, we wouldn’t have found out like this.”
Now I’m even more confused.
I stared at him waiting for him to explain.
“When you’re in love with someone, you don’t want to hide it.”
“I guess I hadn’t thought about it that way.”
When you’re truly in love with someone, you don’t want to hide it…
“If they had wanted to be together, he wouldn’t have proposed to you, she wouldn’t have accepted when I proposed to her, and we wouldn’t be doing this right now. They would have sat us down and told us how they felt.”
“But would they, knowing that it would hurt us to hear it?” I pondered more to myself than to him.
“So, the alternative to that would be to do it like this? Knowing damn well that hurting us worse would be the outcome? That doesn’t make sense, Loo,” he chided gently.
My temper flared. “None of this makes fuckin’ sense! We have been planning this wedding for over a year! Y’all’s wedding is in, like, four months! So, tell me, what is the goddamn point!?”
He grabbed my arm firmly, hauling me into his lap. “You’re not going to be able to understand the actions of a shitty person because you’re not a shitty person. You can’t relate to how they think.”
I relaxed against him. “It’s all just so much,” I acknowledged tearfully.
“I know but Jack Daniels and I will get you through it.”
“That’s only while we are here, though,” I pointed out. I felt him tense from beneath me.
“What does that mean?”
I shifted in his lap. “We have to go home at some point. Hell, you’re supposed to be at work right now.”
He cocked his head to the side, thinking over what I had said. “I talked to the chief yesterday and explained what was going on. He already knew, of course, having been at the wedding, but he understands that I just need a few days.”
Fabulous. The next year of my life will be spent collecting looks of sympathy from everyone in Creek’s Edge.
“We are wastin’ a good opportunity by sittin’ and talkin’ about this.”
Are we?
Before I could ask what he meant, he pressed his lips to my neck, and I stopped worrying about talking all together.
“I’m pretty sure between you and the whiskey, I’m gonna die of dehydration,” Lena joked.
“All I heard is that we provide good service.”
She laughed, her naked tits bouncing against my chest.
I stroked her spine. “Are you okay? After the last orgasm, you just kinda collapsed on me.”
Sitting up quickly, she stared down at me. “Umm… you kept sayin’ to ride you harder, so I was! I thought I was in pretty good shape but after fifteen minutes of riding like that, that check engine light comes on in them knees!”
She did not just say the check engine light.
“Don’t be such a girl. You stopped, at least, every three minutes to cum,” I teased her. Even though shyness should have been long gone since she was currently completely naked and straddling me, she blushed. “Hush! You make my body freeze like it’s taking a screenshot when I cum, so I have to stop bouncin’ for it!”