Page 2 of Enraged

“I guess that’s another perk of all of us being high school sweethearts,” I joked. “Neither of us will ever experience those first-time jitters ever again.”

She gave me a small smile.

“Do you feel like you’ve missed out on anything these last fifteen years by only being with Jace?” She questioned.

Fifteen years makes it sound like it’s been forever.

“No,” I concluded. “You and Dakota got together a few weeks after Jace and I started dating. Do you ever regret being a one and done?”

“I’m satisfied completely. I wouldn’t change a thing.” She promised.

It has been a wonderful fifteen years.

Springing off the countertop, she wrapped me in a hug.

“Come on, Mrs. Reynolds, let’s get you some breakfast before we get you married.”

Twenty minutes later, I had forced myself to choke down a cinnamon raisin bagel and a cup of coffee. I silently willed nerves to settle so I could keep it down.

“Lee Leeeee!” My mama’s voice rang out. “It’s your wedding day!”

She walked in the front door without knocking, something she never does. She skipped into the kitchen, my sister-in-law Bailey and niece Bristol right behind her.

“Aunt Lee Lee, Mama said I get to wear my princess dress today!”

I grinned.

My sweet niece was my favorite person in the entire world.

My older brother, Cruise, had met Bailey when she first moved to Creek’s Edge. She was an Army widow, barely surviving her grief and her adaptation to a new town when she and Cruise stumbled across one another at Deja Brew, our local coffee shop. Three years later, they were married, and Bailey was pregnant with a little girl that would be named Bristol Jolene Felder. Bailey still struggled with the grief of losing her first husband, but my brother made sure to remind her often that his memory would never be forgotten. Bristol’s first name was chosen after the name of the racetrack, Bristol Motor Speedway, where Bailey met her fallen soldier all those years ago. Now, at four years old, our sweet little toddler tornado lived up to her name – always 90mph or nothing, loud and full of energy.

“Aunt Lee Lee gets to dress up like a princess today, Bristy Boo!” My sister-in-love reminded her.

On cue, my mama’s eyes filled with tears, but my Maid of Honor and my Matron of Honor were one step ahead of me with crying control.

“Alexa, play Y2K hits!” Cassie hollered at the smart device.

Always obedient, Alexa began blaring Usher.

My mama, always the emotional one, pulled me to the side.

“Did you eat?” She questioned.

“Yes, ma’am, I ate a little. I’m so nervous!”

“No need to be nervous, Sugar. This day has been a long time coming!” She pulled me into her embrace. “You haven’t seen Jace since the rehearsal, right? It’s bad luck!”

“No ma’am, I haven’t.” I promised, hoping she wouldn’t see right through my lying eyes.

Truth is, last night, Jace and I had met around midnight at our old secret hiding spot for one last quickie before we were legally bound.

That man and his hips will always be lethal on a tailgate in the back of a dark field.

The doorball rang.

“I’ll get it! Gotta be Blaine!” Cassie jumped up.

Rushing to my bedroom, I peeled off my ratty Creek’s Edge High School t-shirt and pajama shorts, replacing it with my monogrammed bridal robe. I tied it tightly around my waist before heading back into the den to join the others.