“That’s just fuckin’ lazy.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I thought maybe I tasted bad, but I don’t understand how because you know how I am about showering.”
I rolled my eyes. I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard this girl say she was ready to take a shower.
“Well, let me be the one to clear that shit up right now. You taste incredible. Surprisingly sweet, actually.”
“Why’s that surprising?”
“Because you tasted unusually sweet. What fruit do you eat the most?”
“Pineapple,” she answered, her confusion palpable.
“Makes sense.”
“Yeah, that clarifies nothing. Anyways, all that to say, I didn’t know I could do that so thank you for teaching me a new trick.”
I chuckled. “Baby, you did that because of me. No other man will ever do it quite like I did to make you squirt like that and I’m not suggesting you start holding auditions.”
Why do I feel so goddamn irritated?
“Holding auditions? What does that even mean?”
For fucks sake
“It means if you want to squirt like that again, you know where to find me. Don’t go lookin’ for me in any fuckin’ body else.”
She opened her mouth to speak but decided against it.
“What?” I snapped.
You need to calm the fuck down, man.
“You expect me to call you every time I want to get off? Yeah, that’s not fuckin’ happening.”
The shy, somewhat inexperienced Lena was gone. Normal, bratty ass Lena had returned.
“Why the fuck not?” I demanded. “You seemed to enjoy yourself.”
More blushing.
“So, you want me to shoot you a text and be like, ‘Hey bud, how ‘bout them Dawgs! Oh, I need to squirt, can you come over?’”
Is that what I’m saying? Goddamn, I’m so confused.
“Seems like a good arrangement, no?”
“No. What if I have things I want to do?”
Too fuckin’ bad.
“Such as?”
“Suck start your fucking soul.”
I choked on… nothing.
Did I just damn near die because I inhaled…oxygen?