We stood in silence, her staring at me, defiantly, and me staring at her, deliberately.
One of us has to speak.
“Do you need help?”
Yeah, that helped nothing and sounded more suggestive than anything else.
“Nope, I’ve decided I’m going to get in the hot tub,” she proclaimed before wobbling to the back door.
You’re what? The hot tub?
“Lena, you’ve been drinking and it’s –”
“And I have a firefighter here that saves lives for a living that probably won’t let me drown.”
What the…
“Of course, I’m not going to let you drown but it’s too fuckin’ cold to get in that hot tub,” I reminded her gently.
“Guess I better see what I can do to keep myself warm then,” she winked.
That Jack Daniels smacked the logic all out of her.
Walking like a newborn deer, she stepped out onto the back deck and began peeling off her stockings.
Take your ass outside before she falls over the fuckin’ railing.
“Lena, seriously, it’s too fuckin’ cold.” The wind was brutal, cutting through the thin fabric of my monkey suit with ease.
Ignoring me, she climbed into the bubbly water, the only thing between her and I was the distance, the hot tub wall, and a lacy piece of dental floss.
Leave room for Jesus, Dak, leave room for Jesus.
“You gonna get in?”
“I reckon I am because your drunk ass didn’t give me much choice,” I griped.
She laughed.
I peeled down to my boxers. Her laughter grew louder, echoing throughout the back deck and the open yard.
It’s such an ego boost for a woman to be, literally, cackling as you strip in front of her.
“What’s so damn funny?” I demanded. “Don’t even say nothin’ smart because it’s about 18° out here and you decided it was the right time to strip and fuckin’ swim!”
Her laughter only intensified, alternating between a snort and sounds of a walrus.
Ignoring her, I climbed in the warm water. As much as I hated to admit it, it really felt great in contrast to just standing around outside underneath Jack Frost’s nutsack.
“Lena! Stop and breathe, fuck!”
She stopped immediately, tears of laughter on her freckled cheeks.
“What is so damn funny?”
Hanging her head, she spoke softly. “I forgot that the panties I have on… I forgot that…they’re dissolvable.”