He quickly left the room.
Jace is alright. We got out.
The door burst open, and a doctor walked in.
“Hey, Lt. Clayton, I’m Dr. Bowers. How are you feelin’?”
“Like I got my ass kicked,” I admitted. “Where is Lena?”
“Lena…the brunette? That’s your fiancé, correct?”
“Lena is blonde, and I do not have a fiancé.”
“My mistake, I was under the impression that –”
“I understand,” I interrupted. “But I don’t want that brunette anywhere near me. Can I add that to some sort of list somehow?”
“Certainly. I’ll have your nurse come in and take care of that, but first, can you follow this light for me, using just your eyes?”
I followed the light.
“Excellent! Can you lift your right arm and your left leg simultaneously?”
I did as he asked.
After a series of other tests, he seemed confident that I was thinking clearly and on the right track.
Where the hell did my dad go?
“How’s your pain on a scale of 1-10?” Dr. Bowers asked.
I thought it over. “Maybe a three.”
“Wonderful! Okay, I’m going to send your nurse in to handle your situation with your visitor list and I’ll be back to check in on you later.”
“Thanks, Doc.”
I tried to sit up, but my ass felt like it was numb.
Where the hell did my dad go!?
Where the hell is my phone and where the hell is Lena?
I fumbled around for the bed’s remote, but the bitch was nowhere to be found. Frustrated, I gave up and closed my eyes.
“Happy New Year, shithead,” a sweet voice rang out.
My eyes flew open. “Loo!”
She looked like she wanted to cry as she came into the room, and I held out my arm for a hug. “Come here, pal.”
She walked over to the bed, her bottom lip trembling more with every step that she took. She was doing her best to keep a straight face, but I’d known her for far too long.
She gave me a quick hug as if she thought she might hurt me, the smell of her shampoo smacking me right in the face.
She stared at the IV that was in the crease of my arm, her brow furrowed with thoughts she wouldn’t say.
I reached out for her hand. “I’m okay, Lena Loo.”