Page 99 of Enraged

Her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know where to begin,” she admitted.

“Start with when you started sleepin’ with my fiancé.” The server appeared at the table the moment I finished the sentence, her mouth dropping open in shock. She sat our drinks down and hurried off without a word.

I stared at Cassie. “Well? When did it start?”

She hung her head. “Three years ago.”

I know you fuckin’ lyin’.

I felt the air seeping out of my lungs. “Who initiated it?”

She took a sip of her cappuccino. “I’m not sure, honestly. We were both drunk the first time.”

When have you and Jace ever been drunk…wait a fuckin’ minute.

“Drunk together… that means that Dakota and I were there.”

She nodded.

I took a deep breath. “Why, Cassie?”

She folded her hands on the table. “The first time… like I said, we were drunk, so I don’t know… but it continued because…because it wasn’t supposed to. It was new. Dakota wasn’t touching me, you weren’t touching Jace. We used each other as an outlet for what we were missing.”

I had to give it to her. The bitch had some balls to sit across from me, telling me all of this.

“Why the engagements and the wedding planning then?

“Because we love y’all.”


“Try again.”

“I know it doesn’t make sense, but we love y’all. I love you and Dak more than I can explain.”

I felt a lump forming in the back of my throat.

Of all the shit she’s divulged, is this what’s going to make me cry?

“It’s also because…” she trailed off.

“Because, what?” I prompted.

“Because we got off on making each other jealous.”

So, my entire future was being planned because jealousy made the sex between the two of you hotter?

I felt like I was going to be sick.

“I’m going to sit here for sixty more seconds, Cassie. Say what you came here to say.”

“I love Dakota, and I want to be with him. I don’t want him feelin’ like he has to choose between our relationship and your friendship. I think he already does so I would like for us to call a truce.”

If this is the issue, we’ve got no issue.

“A truce? You want to call a truce over you fuckin’ my fiancé inside the church, five minutes before my wedding was supposed to start?”

She hung her head.