I pulled the hose off.
“Lieutenant, can I see you in my office?” Chief Hennessy called out into the bay.
“Comin’, Chief,” I called back. “Y’all keep goin’, I’ll be right back.”
I walked into the station to find the Chief standing at the kitchen counter. “Let’s go to my office, DK.” He gestured for me to follow him.
Oh, lawd, I’m about to catch hell for the window ordeal.
I followed him into his office, shutting the door behind me.
“Have a seat.”
I sat in the chair across from his desk. “So, I’ve been thinkin’ it over and in regard to Jace switchin’ to this shift,” he began, “I’ve decided that I have faith that y’all can conduct yourselves to the standards we have set for this department.”
I nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“It was already the plan to move him because we need a sixth guy so we will be stacked if we need a second apparatus.”
“Whatever you think is best, Chief. I know I speak for myself and Jace when I say that our personal issues won’t penetrate these walls.”
He nodded. “I trust they won’t. That’s all I needed,” he dismissed me. “Good work today.”
I stood up. “’Preciate it, Chief.”
Zeke met me in the kitchen. “Truck is back in service, Lieu.”
“Fantastic. Rally the guys, would ya? I have an announcement.”
“Will do.” He headed back out into the bay.
May as well nip this shit in the bud before it starts.
Ten minutes later, the four of them were standing in my office waiting to hear what I had to say.
“Chief pulled me in earlier and let me know that Reynolds is still goin’ to be transferrin’ over to our shift.”
Their eyes widened.
“With that bein’ said, I don’t want anyone stating the obvious. I don’t want any mention of everything that is goin’ on. None of it breeches these walls. Understood?”
They all agreed.
“I know it will seem awkward at first,” I continued. “But we all have a job to do. Jace is our brother inside of the walls, mine included.”
More agreeing.
“Aight, that’s it. Y’all go eat somethin’ and rest up for the next one.”
They hurried out of my office. With a sigh, I picked up my phone from my desk. The home screen showed a text from Lena.
It’s handled, thanks? The fuck? What’s with the cold shoulder?
Ignoring her brush off, I sent her another message before checking my other texts. I had one from my daddy, one from my neighbor up the road, and two from Cassie.
Why the fuck are you texting me?
Irritated, I opened them, completely unsurprised to see that one of them was a naked picture of herself.