But I was beyond words.
“Lena, did you find –,” my mama’s voice stopped dead in its tracks. “Oh my God.”
I should have jumped across that desk and beat somebody’s ass.
I should have reminded my mama not to take the Lord’s name in vain, especially while in church.
I should have cussed both Cassie and Jace for all they were worth – which really wasn’t much at all.
I should have done…something.
Instead, I turned and ran, my four-foot dress train dragging behind me.
I ran and ran until I got to the parking lot. Glancing around, I mentally thanked my piece of shit fiancé for driving my car to the church… and for leaving the keys inside.
Wordlessly, I stuffed myself into the driver side of my SUV and pulled from the parking lot, leaving behind everything andeveryone I knew and loved, including the person I was just five minutes before.
You said we couldn’t have a bruised bustle, Mama… what about a bruised Bride?
“I’m not sure of the science behind it, but it’s absolute facts that women love a man in a tuxedo,” Carter explained.
I rolled my eyes.
“You say the same thing about us when we are in our turnouts,” I reminded him.
“I’m not wrong about that, neither. Hey Dane, tell Dak about that time –”
“Don’t tell me about any time,” I interrupted. “I don’t want to hear about any of y’all’s shenanigans over on B- shift.”
Before he could protest, shouting rang out from down the church corridor.
“On your WEDDING DAY no less!” A familiar voice hollered. “Her best friend!”
Carter, Dane, and I exchanged looks.
“Hell, I’ll go see what’s happening,” I announced.
I feel like this falls under the best man duties; putting out any fires that may arise on Jace and Jolene’s wedding day.
Stepping out into the hallway, I glanced around. Near the entrance to the sanctuary, I found the source of the shouting.
Is that Lena’s daddy? What in the world?
As I quickly made my way down the hallway, the situation seemed to escalate.
“I’ll knock the fuck out of you and see if you regain some clarity!” Brett Felder shouted.
Sir, this is a church house.
“Hey y’all, what in the world is goin’ on?” I questioned, trying my best to diffuse the situation.
Lena’s daddy turned towards me, eyes flashing.
“Ask your girlfriend!” He spat out.