My mama, always the one to be counted on, was out of the driver’s side of her car and around to the back seat to help me and my gigantic dress out into the world.
“Lift it so it doesn’t drag!” She instructed. “We can’t have a bruised looking bustle!”
What the fuck is a bruised lookin’ bustle, Mama?
I lifted my dress the way she demanded, making damn sure not an inch of it touched the ground. My mama’s sister, Evelyn, stood at the side entrance to the church.
“Hurry up, sugar! The coast is clear, but we need to get you to the bride’s room!”
The coast will remain clear until the ceremony, Aunt Evie. Jace is probably doing Jack Daniels shots with all the guys from the department and talking about structure fires.
Nonetheless, I hustled my way into the back hallway of the fellowship hall, where three more aunts, a cousin, and my Mamaw waited for me.
After a round of oohs and ahhs, I excused myself to take a breather in the bathroom. Within thirty seconds, there was a knock at the door.
“Yes, ma’am, I’m coming. I just needed a second to breathe and steady my nerves.”
Opening the door, I swished and swayed to get myself and my gown through the doorway without injury to either of us.
“We are starting in twenty minutes and can’t seem to find Cassie, but I have to go find your daddy and make sure his bowtie is straight,” she complained.
I couldn’t help but smile, already knowing my daddy’s bowtie was, without a doubt, more crooked than a politician.
“I’ll find her. She’s probably in her mama’s office.”
Cassie’s mama had been the church secretary since we were little so if there was anywhere in the building she would be, it was probably her office.
“Ok, go find her, I’ll go check on Daddy, and we will be back. Wanna bet on how long it takes him once he sees you to start crying?” She joked.
“The second he lays eyes on me!”
It was no secret that I was a daddy’s girl.
I was the apple of his eye, and everyone knew it. From the time I could walk, I was outside with him, helping feed the animals and riding on the tractor.
Married or not, my ass is still gonna be a daddy’s girl.
I set off down the hallway to Mrs. Mellie’s office. As I rounded the last corner, I heard Cassie’s voice.
Told ya, Mama.
But her voice wasn’t the only voice I heard. There was a second voice; a man’s voice.
Pushing open the office door, I felt my soul leave my body.
Standing before me with her satin, lavender gown hiked around her hips and her elbows braced on her mama’s desk, was my best friend since kindergarten. And behind her?
Behind her was the love of my life with his tuxedo pants around his ankles.
The world froze around me. Time stopped, as did the two people I loved most.
“Lena!” My best friend called out.