Fair point even if the execution was smartassed as fuck.
He waved his arm impatiently, encouraging me to grab it. I took it and he yanked me to my feet.
“I didn’t bring a bathing suit.,” I explained. “I figured if we were goin’ to get in the hot tub, we would just –” He held his hand up.
“Eww, please stop. Just go in your underwear.”
Yeah, because that’s smart.
“It’s the same as a bikini, Jolene.” He spoke, his voice stained with exasperation.
He’s so fun to annoy.
“Okay, but I’m wearing a tank top and not a bra. My bras are expensive as fuck and that chlorine might fuck them up.” I peeled off my hoodie, my skin pebbling as the cool, cabin air hit my bare skin.
He looked shocked, clearly expecting me to go into the bathroom to change.
I have on a tank top and panties already. Going into the bathroom and coming out half naked would be weird.
Shrugging, he hooked his fingers in his waistband, sliding his sweats down his toned thighs.
No boner…
A tinge of disappointment hit me square in the chest.
You’re a slut, Lena.
“Don’t look so sad, it’s chilly in here.” He smirked.
Am I that fuckin’ transparent?
Blushing, I rolled my eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about,” I lied.
“Sure, you don’t. Take your pants off.”
His tone forced a shiver down my spine.
“Yes, daddy,” I retorted sarcastically.
“Good girl.” He took off towards the back door, sliding the glass open dramatically.“Fuck me sideways! It’s cold!”
Coming up behind him, I giggled. “Yeah, that’s usually one of the top three indicators of a winter storm.”
“I feel like I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating… you’re much more fun to listen to with something in your mouth.” He climbed in the hot tub.
Nothing witty came to mind so I stayed silent as I climbed the sidestep to join him.
“Wait!” He hollered. I stopped mid-way through my leg swing. “What?”
It’s fuckin’ cold, bro.
He pointed at my hips. “Are those the normal folk’s kind or are they gonna vanish the second they get wet?”
I looked down at my white cotton briefs. “These are normal.”
Accepting that answer, he scooted over, giving me room to climb in and sit down. The water felt incredible in contrast to the freezing air. Closing my eyes, I savored the feeling.
“Fuck!” My eyes flew open, his sudden use of expletives ruining my peaceful moment. “What, bro?”