Page 18 of Enraged

She didn’t speak but her eyes urged me on.

“I didn’t even notice Cassie was there at first. I heard your daddy saying something about your best friend and when he told me to ask her, that’s when I noticed her,” I recalled. “When I looked at her, I just knew. She had mascara on her cheeks, she was standing between your daddy and Jace. I could just tell. So, I decked him and left.”

“We are goin’ to be the laughingstock of town,” she remarked bitterly.

“No, we won’t. If anything, we will get the sympathetic head tilts for a little while, but why would we get laughed at?”I was confused.

“They’re going to say we should have known; that we should have noticed.”

“Well, whoever ‘they’ are, they can kiss my ass. It never occurred to me to question the morals of my best friend, and I know it never occurred to you, either.”

She nodded, the fresh tears she had been fighting back spilling down her cheeks.

Without thinking, I yanked her hand, pulling her to my side. As I put my arm around her, she rested her cheek against my chest, sobs wracking her slender body.

The whiskey abandoned me in that moment, and I felt the tears I didn’t want to cry, colliding with her messy bridal curls.


I’m naked in a hot tub with my fiancé’s…. er… ex-fiancé’s… best friend and my best friend’s… ex best friend’s... fiancé... ex-fiancé…

I don’t know how long we sat like that. The minutes that ticked by seemed like hours. We both ignored the fact that my tits were pressed against his chest and that his cock was hard as a rock and swaying from the hot tub current. We both ignored all the things we should have been noticing if it was a different time, different circumstances, and a different person.

The whiskey I felt so stubbornly in my veins when I dropped the wedding dress may as well have been back in the bottle. Knowing how I found out was one thing that kept replaying in my head over and over but hearing him explain how he found out… it made it so real. I wasn’t imagining this. It wasn’t a dream I was going to wake up from.

My best friend and the man that I planned my life with are having an affair.

The pain suddenly felt so fresh, so suffocating that it sucked the air from my lungs. I gasped, willing the open air to replenish me, but my attempt was futile.

“Are you ok?”

I gasped, a plea for my lungs to find some act right.

“Lena!” He pulled me into his lap and shook me.

Steadying myself on his shoulders, I tried to inhale, coughing as my body rejected perfectly good oxygen.

“Lena, you’re having a panic attack,” he spoke calmly. “In through the nose, out through the mouth. Slowly.”

Following his instructions, I only failed a little, a small puff of air finally making its way in.

“That’s it. Slowly. Find a focal point and breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth.”

His fingertips caressed my back as he consoled me, his mind completely oblivious to my naked pussy pressing against him.

Breathing slowly the way he demanded, the burn in my lungs finally began to dissipate, the invisible hold on my windpipe, vanishing.

“Good girl, keep breathing,” he cajoled. “You’re doing great, Loo.”

My breathing slowly regulated, my heartbeat following suit.

As my respiratory system went on about business, whatever system it is that controls the embarrassment ramped up.

“I’m sorry. I was thinking about everything that happened and reliving it and I suddenly felt like I couldn’t take a breath.”

His fingertips danced from my waist to my shoulder blades.

“You don’t have to apologize, but are you okay? How’s your chest feeling?”