Page 106 of Enraged

“I know, but I think he has to change it. I can’t change it for him,” he sympathized.

That man has been cheatin’ on me for three years. If y’all let me make decisions for him, I’m gonna wind up doin’ that man like Helen did Charles.


He escorted me back to Jace’s hospital room where a young woman wearing a white coat, was waiting near the door.

“Hi, Mrs. Reynolds, I’m Dr. Jurgens,” she explained, extending her hand.

Not Mrs. Reynolds.

“Hi,” I responded, shaking her hand, “my name is Jolene Felder.”

“My apologies. Ok, so just a quick update on Jace,” she began. “He didn’t sustain much damage from smoke inhalation since he kept his mask on, but he does have a few broken ribs, lacerations, and a fractured collarbone. We will likely keep himfor observation for the next two days to run a few more tests, but I’m confident he will make a full recovery”

Next to me, Chief Hennessy breathed a sigh of relief.

“I appreciate it, Dr. Jurgens,” I thanked her. She smiled warmly. “He’s awake in there now, asking for you.”

“I’ll go check on him,” I assured her.

With a nod, she headed off towards the nurse’s station.

The fire chief spoke up, “You go on in, Lena. I’ll go wait on Jake.”

His eyes look so tired.

I nodded.

As I turned the door handle, I had an epiphany.

“Hey, Chief?” I called out to him. He turned around.

“Is the rest of the team okay?”

He clasped his hands together in front of his chest. “Yes, thank the Lord.”


I held my breath as I entered Jace’s room.

“Hey, Lenie,” he managed.

“You look like shit.”

Be nice, Lena.

He laughed at my words, wincing at the pain in his ribs.

“You should see the other guy,” he joked.

Stop tryin’ to be normal.

I pulled a chair up to the side of his bed.

“You need to change your power of attorney to your mama.”

His face fell. “I trust your decision-making skills more than I trust hers.”