“Happy Wedding Day, Bitchhhh!”
Opening one eye, I confirmed what I already knew. The friendly, loud voice belonged to my childhood best friend Cassie.
“Good morning, Cass.” I rolled over to face her.
“Why, Miss Jolene Grace Felder, are you still in bed? You are getting married today!” Her eyes glittered with excitement.
“I know!” I sat up and stretched. “I had a hard time falling asleep last night.”
She frowned at me.
“It’s just those pesky, pre-wedding jitters, Lena. Just remember, the next time you wake up, you’ll be Mrs. Jace Reynolds!”
Realizing she was right, I grinned.
You’ve wanted to marry this man since sophomore year, Lena. Tell your anxiety to fuck off.
Before she could continue her Maid of Honor peptalk, her iPhone rang.
“Sorry, babe, it’s Dak,” she explained before leaving the room.
Climbing out of bed, I stretched and stumbled to the bathroom to wash my face. Even though I’ve lived here with Jace for over a year now, our master bathroom still smells like I don’t exist. Switching on the warm water, I inhaled, taking in every bit of thescent of leather, mouthwash, expensive cologne, and the faintest hint of smoke.
Even the Glade plug ins and my Scentsy warmers I added don’t hold a candle to all things Jace.
“In here!” I called out.
Cassie appeared in the bathroom doorway.
“Dak said Jace is so nervous!” She giggled. “I reminded him he better be taking notes because he will be the groom in a few short months!”
They had the right idea planning a spring wedding. Why the hell did I decide to do this in December?
“I’m nervous, too,” I admitted. “Blaine will be here in an hour to do our hair. Mama, Bailey, and Bristol will be here anytime now.”
My best friend nodded.
You’re reminding her of shit she already knows, Lena.
Cassie walked over to Jace’s side of the vanity. Grabbing the Crest Brilliance, I started brushing my teeth. She watched me in the mirror, grabbing bottles of my fiancé’s cologne to smell while she waited for me to finish.
“You sure about this Lena?” She sat a bottle of Dior’s Sauvage back on the vanity.
Sure about what?
“About getting married?”
She nodded.
“Yes,” I assured her. “Why do you ask?”
Hopping on the counter, she stared at me.
“I’m just checking. I know it can be kinda scary, knowing you won’t ever be with anyone else.”