He looks at me and appears torn. “Grimreap isn’t the place for you, Eilish,” he explains. “There are only three of us who could protect you and, in the city, that won’t be enough.”
“The shadows of this forest are already taking their toll on us,” Cambion argues. “At least in Grimreap, we can bolster our strength.”
“I’m aware,” Dragan says. “And I’ve weighed that fact, as well. I still believe it is safer for you to remain here.”
“You already made your decision when you brought us to the Raven Forest,” says Cambion. “We travel with you to Grimreap.”
“This isn’t open for argument,” Dragan grumbles.
Cambion’s eyes narrow. “And neither was it open for argument when you forcibly removed me from my home and anchored me to this hero’s quest. Our story doesn’t end in the woods outside Grimreap; we’re coming with you.”
“You know Grimreap’s reputation as well as I do,” Dragan counters. “You know you’re safer here.” He glances at me. “She’ssafer here.”
“I know Grimreap’s reputation, yes,” Cambion continues to argue. “But I don’t believe we’d be any safer in the forest. I have some sway with the beasts of the fae, but here, the animals answer to different masters. Protection isn’t something I can offer. I can feel my magic growing weaker by the moment. At least inside Grimreap, we can feed off the energy of our forbearers.”
“You wouldn’t last a minute inside the walls of the city. The three of you are practically glowing,” returns Dragan, his voice pulsing with anger. He’s by far the most intimidating creature I’ve ever seen. But he’s also beautiful, in his own way.
“Are your brains made of stone, too, gargoyle?” Cambion asks with mock cordiality.
“The three of you remain here,” Dragan declares with finality.
“You’re not going to leave me behind like a cow for slaughter in this fucking forest,” Cambion spits out. “Besides, if you’re going into Grimreap, you’ll need me.”
“How’s that?” Dragan gives him a cold glare as Cambion continues.
“I’d assume you weren’t about to enter the deadliest city in the world as the most recognizable man in all of the Shadow Realm?”
“Of course not,” Dragon replies. “As you know, I can employ theMask Of Many Faces.”
Cambion seems unimpressed. “An elementary charm at best. Need I remind you I’m a master transmuter? All energy and matter bend to my will. I could conceal us far better than either of you could,” he finishes and looks between Dragan and Thoradin.
“You lack the strength,” Dragan replies with little interest.
“Because I’m stuck in this fucking forest!” Cambion rails. “Grimreap will bolster my strength again and I will be a valuableasset.” He takes a deep breath. “Three able-bodied men are better than two.”
“He has a point, liege,” Thoradin puts in.
Dragan’s jaw is tight. “Fine. We all go.” He turns to the sprite, which is hovering nearby. “And Flumph?”
The small creature seems surprised at being addressed. “I ain’t got no masks or transmuters, Demon Prince,” he returns. I have to admit, I find his appellations for Dragan funny even if Dragan doesn’t.
“Just,” Dragan looks him over, worry creasing its way into the mature lines of his face. “Just stay hidden.”
Flumph makes his way over to me and successfully wraps himself within two folds of my cloak.
Shadow Realm
We stop walking when we reach the city gates of Grimreap. There’s a heavy wind that pummels us, howling a doleful melody that seems somehow foreshadowing. I’m afraid.
“Eilish,” Dragan whispers from where he walks beside me. I glance over at him. “I will protect you,” he reassures me.
I smile at him and give him a quick and grateful nod, but fear continues to weigh my feet down until I feel like I’m trudging through tar.